

How to counter the toxic narrative on migrants, fossil fuels and war? Interview with Fabio Marcelli

Giorgia Meloni [Prime Minister of Italy] has just concluded a deal described as “historic” with Libya on gas and migrants. The agreement signed between Eni [an Italian multinational energy company] and Libyan energy company Noc involves an $8 billion investment…

Are we Heading Toward WWIII & Nuclear War?

It has become unbearable to observe the western media, in the grip of corrupt military contractors, wielding their undue influence on the unknowing victims of the media “news” reports as they publicly and shamelessly celebrate their enormous profits this year…

Guided Missiles, Misguided Policies, and Changing Direction Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love WWIII

By David Swanson, Remarks for Peace and Justice Works, June 24, 2021 Thank you for inviting me. I’d like to speak briefly and spend a good deal of time on Q&A. I’d like to start by considering this question: If it’s…

WWIII: A 21st Century Enemy

The whole world is at war with an almost unknown enemy, one with a sophistication that challenges our 21st century technology. And it looks like the coronavirus is currently winning. The consequences of the pandemic will be disastrous for millions…

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