
World without Wars and Violence

Spain: demonstrating peace and nonviolence

By Jesús Arguedas. Students, young athletes and groups of adults have been going around numerous schools in Madrid organising nonviolence and peace symbols.  These activities have taken place in recent weeks and aim to be a preparatory work for an…

Open letter to American soldiers from the Czech Republic

American military forces will cross the territory of the Czech Republic from May 27-30 in operation Saber Strike. The media are downplaying the event so as not to awaken the sensitivity in the Czech people that ended plans to build…

Peace Sign in London

Londoners met yesterday May 14 to form a Peace Sign in Trafalgar Square and hear calls for Peace and Nonviolence from a number of organisations. Here is the speech I gave representing World without Wars and Violence as well as…

NATO wars, refugees and terrorism cannot be seen in isolation from one another: Europe must give a coherent response

Once more we witness acts of terrorism in Europe. These events in western cities killing European citizens are horrific in the eyes of the western media. They should be condemned and all peace-loving human beings condemn them. We in Pressenza…

Nuclear weapons: Never again!

Yesterday, in the Hall of the Former Presidents, in the National Assembly of Ecuador, a public forum took place with the title “Towards a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty”.  It’s of great importance that such an event could take place because…

Approval of a Resolution for an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons in pictures

On the 15th of December, during the 361st session of the Ecuador National Assembly, a Resolution was passed in favour of banning nuclear weapons, prepared in collaboration with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.  Tony Robinson, co-director of Pressenza…

Ecuador parliament approves a resolution to ban nuclear weapons

On the 15th of December 2015, the National Assembly of the Republic of Ecuador approved by a vote of 82 in favor, 1 against and 23 abstentions, a resolution that clearly underlines the urgency of driving forward an international treaty…

Paris Attacks: Violence is the problem, never the solution

The terrorist attack that took place on November 13th in Paris is another act of violence against civilians, another act of violence against all Humanity. It clearly shows that anyone and in any place in the world can become the…

Militarization of children in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic soldiers have reportedly started touring elementary schools nationwide in an effort to introduce students to military life. Children from the age of 10 are being familiarized with and encouraged to play with machine guns. These terrifying…

Prague’s Peace Tram

Even if in the Czech Republic people aren’t breathing the same crazy fascist air that is present in Hungary, the refugee crisis is heavy and suffocating. Small parties are taking advantage of the situation to make racist declarations in order…

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