

The Non-Discrimination Roundtable at the World Humanist Forum

On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the first Assembly of the World Humanist Forum will take place online. At this meeting, various Thematic Tables will be put into dynamics that will have an international and intercultural character. Context and framework of…

The second conference of the World Humanist Forum has published its first conclusions: Colonial violence persists and overcoming it is everyone’s business.

Continuing the series that began in May, on 7 July the second World Humanist Forum discussion took place under the title “Is colonialism a thing of the past? With the participation of people and collectives from different continents, the aim…

Is colonialism a thing of the past? A new debate at the World Humanist Forum

Colonialism is a much longer process than the little less than five centuries in which traditional history places this period. After the wave of national independence that gave rise to the current map of nation-states, the former colonial powers changed…