
Western Sahara

The colours of Western Sahara flood the centre of Madrid, calling on Spain to fulfil its obligation as an administering power

This Saturday, 19 June, saw the closing of the March for the Freedom of the Sahrawi People, with a demonstration that brought together tens of thousands of Spaniards and Sahrawis to demand that the government of Pedro Sánchez assume the…

Morocco uses migration to win economic improvements and support from Europe in the Western Sahara conflict

In the early hours of Monday morning, 17 May, dozens of Moroccans, who ended up numbering around 8,000, began to enter Ceuta, the Spanish enclave city on Moroccan Territory. They did so by swimming, crossing the Tarajal and Benzú spurs…

Western Sahara: the Moroccan monarchy and Polisario, a frozen conflict

Western Sahara is a desert territory populated by nomadic tribes, which has never been organized into a Nation-state. A territory of 266 000 km2 in northwestern Africa, bordered by Morocco to the north, Algeria to the northeast, Mauritania to the east and…

Will Biden Admin Reverse Trump’s “Dangerous” Recognition of Morocco’s Occupation of Western Sahara?

President Donald Trump broke with decades of U.S. foreign policy in the waning days of his administration and recognized Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, a territory the country has occupied since 1975 in defiance of the United Nations and the…

Academics launch a Letter of Solidarity with Western Sahara, which they invite to sign

Professors from the Universities of Sussex, Princeton, Carleton and Exeter have published a letter inviting you to sign Letter of Solidarity with Western Sahara As scholars, researchers, activists and concerned individuals, we, the undersigned, strongly condemn President Donald Trump’s proclamation…

Western Sahara: A Rare Look Inside Africa’s Last Colony as U.S. Recognizes Moroccan Occupation

The United States has become the first nation in the world to recognize Morocco’s annexation of Western Sahara. The Trump administration announced the major policy shift on December 10 — International Human Rights Day — as part of a deal…

Statement on the U.S. Recognition of Moroccan Sovereignty over Western Sahara

On this day, December 14th 2020, which marks the 60th anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, IFOR is issuing a statement on the recent developments regarding the conflict in Western Sahara. On…

U.S. Recognizes Morocco’s Occupation of Western Sahara in Latest Betrayal of Sahrawi People

We continue to examine the U.S.-brokered deal between Morocco and Israel to normalize relations. As part of the deal, the U.S. will become the first country in the world to recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, which Morocco has occupied…

Reducing urban violence

For the World Forum on Urban Violence, Madrid, 19-21 April 2017, Johan Galtung wrote an editorial piece for Transcend Media Service which we reproduce in full here. Mayors from around the world, Ladies and Gentlemen, To reduce direct violence in…

Western Sahara – Apologies and compensations to the Sahrawi nation

Colonialism Reparation calls on Morocco to immediately withdraw from the occupied territories thus allowing the organization of the referendum on the final status of Western Sahara decided by the United Nations in 1991 and calls on Spain and Morocco to…

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