
well being

Oh love, love… that carpet underneath which…

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are launching a place of exchange where we find a new look on daily life based on an experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some…

Localization: Bringing about Buen Vivir to address climate fluctuations and globalization

Today, there exists what in my estimation is an unprecedented moment for altering the course of human history. The hopes and dreams for a more equitable, peaceful, just and livable world now have an opening for their realization as never…

Freedom of the Press as a Guarantee for Human Dignity and Well-Being

By Jan Lundius United Nations has designated at least 170 specific days of the year as occasions to mark particular events or topics to promote the objectives of the Organization. 2 This might be considered as yet another sign of…

Training for teachers – Run This Way program asking for well-being aimed towards healthcare workers

Web-conference – training for teachers on well-being program Run This Way school offers a well-being program for students. The reflections and meditations are aimed at healthcare workers who are currently fighting the COVID-19 virus. Run This Way partnered with the Pressenza,…

Coronavirus. To cope with fear and anxiety Run This Way school program launch a digital well being campaign

“The request for well-being makes it possible to clarify the wishes for our future, it is similar to the good thoughts that we express through brotherhood and solidarity. We wanted to create a stream of sympathy for the students living…

Economic growth: a short history of a controversial idea

The relentless pursuit of GDP growth is being challenged from environmental and well-being standpoints. But where did the idea come from? By Gareth Dale for openDemocracy The politics of economic growth are complex and contested as never before. In rich…