
Weapons of Mass Destruction

Ban Ki-Moon announces independent probe into allegations of chemical attack in Syria

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon today said that the United Nations will launch an independent investigation into allegations of the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria, after receiving a formal request from the country’s Government. “The investigation mission is to look…

Syria: a civil war or a war on cities?

Pressenza publishes this statement from two representatives of the Mayor’s for Peace organisation.  Blaming elements on both the government and opposition side of the conflict for the barbarities of war, the Mayors appeal for the elimination of weapons of mass…

The Middle East without Weapons of Mass Destruction, Civil Society Input

In the NPT 2010 conference resolutions was a call for a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Conference in 2012.  The government of Finland volunteered to host it but sadly it never took place.  Before it was cancelled though civil…

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