
weapons in space

Time to Negotiate for Peace in Space!

By Alice Slater for InDepthNews. The US mission to dominate and control the military use of space has been, historically and at present, a major obstacle to achieving nuclear disarmament and a peaceful path to preserve all life on earth.…

Space: The next battlefield?

Back in August, Vice-President Mike Pence announced the Trump administration’s plan for a new military command, the US Space Force, emphasizing President Donald Trump’s urging that “It is not enough to merely have an American presence in space: we must…

UN to consider banning the arms race in space

On the 30th of October, the First Committee of the UN General Assembly (Disarmament and International Security) approved six draft resolutions, including one on a legally binding instrument on the prevention of an arms race in outer space. During the…

US on the wrong side of history

This is what it has all come down to…. the US and the corrupt, dictatorial Gulf monarchies meeting at Camp David Thursday and agreeing on a plan to flood the Middle East with ‘missile defense’ (MD) systems. These Gulf monarchies…

USA blocking Chinese-Russian ban on weapons in space

US CONTINUES TO BLOCK CHINESE-RUSSIAN PROPOSAL TO NEGOTIATE TREATY TO BAN WEAPONS IN SPACE By Alice Slater, who is an activist with ABOLITION 2000, a network of over 2000 organizations in more than 90 countries worldwide working for a global…