

No more wars and a ban on nuclear weapons

Who is responsible for the conflict? It is not known how many Ukrainians have died, nor how many young Russians were forced to fight. Looking at the pictures, it will be in the thousands, if we add the physically disabled,…

War in Europe again

Unfortunately, we are once again at war in Europe. What a culture we have that does not know how to resolve its conflicts peacefully! What a terrible history of wars we have in our culture! By Juan Espinosa I have…

Ukraine: A Conflict Soaked in Contradictions and New Patterns in War and Media

Surprise and horror have defined the reaction to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. That’s likely because although the intervention has followed the contours of a modern land war, it has also marked a break with the past in a…

All the wars on the planet

As of January 26th, an Italian project becomes international. It describes the world’s conflicts with an eye to those who are looking for a way out. Trento – 34 are the wars currently declared in the world; dozens the low-intensity…

The pope in Iraq

The Pope’s decision to visit Mesopotamia must be carefully considered, given the complexity of the geopolitical issues of the Near and Middle East. The Pope went to a place that is the scene of a geopolitical clash, where there are…

The Fury of the Virus, the Folly of War

“Our world faces a common enemy: COVID-19,” United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said on March 23rd. “The virus does not care about nationality or ethnicity, faction or faith. It attacks all, relentlessly. Meanwhile, armed conflict rages on around the…

Climate, migrants, Rojava: a turn

Wars are waged to get hold of oil reserves and then that oil is used to carry out other wars (world emissions from military equipment amount to 15% of total emissions, but are not accounted for in the Paris Agreement).…

Human Beings are Destroying Life on Earth but Deluding Ourselves that We are Not

It is easy to identify the ongoing and endless violence being inflicted on life on Earth. This ranges from the vast multiplicity of assaults inflicted on our children and the biosphere to the endless wars and other military violence as…

Gandhi’s Despair and the Struggle for Truth and Love

‘When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think…

How the arms trade is used to secure access to oil

Vincenzo Bove, University of Warwick for The Conversation UK arms exports to Saudi Arabia increased by 175% in the first nine months of 2017 according to an investigation by the Campaign Against Arms Trade. Similarly, France and the US are…

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