

The Basic Issue is not of Taking Sides in Superpower Rivalry, it is of Durable Peace to Save Earth’s Life

After the cold war shadow of several decades, the best hopes of ending superpower rivalry appeared around the early 1990s. The assurances given to Gorbachev by top western leaders appeared (deceptively, as it later turned out) to lead in this…

What’s the Best Way Out from the War in Ukraine?

In view of the recent geopolitical upheavals, and particularly the war in Ukraine, it does not make sense (and does not promise much success) to build a new global security architecture based on the logic of a bipolar confrontation for…

My Number 1 New Year’s Resolution: Letter from an ex-pacifist (now no longer “ex”)

How to fight against war disinformation? Julian Assange shows a way. January 1st of each year is the time for formulating resolutions to keep or break (usually the latter) during the 365 days ahead. So Martina, an ex-pacifist who now…

The Democratic Party, Now the Leading Party of War.

No votes for warhawks, no matter the Party. John V. Walsh Last May a remarkable column by Stephen Kinzer appeared in the Boston Globe.  It was headlined: “Republicans Return To Their Roots As The Antiwar Party.” More significantly, the subheading…

Ukraine is Losing Badly and Things Are About to Get Much Worse for Them, Unless …

A Bit Of Context For Those Who Decide To Read This The information in the article you are about to read, if you choose to read on, will most likely clash with some of the mainstream media’s presentation of what…

Reactors in a war zone and potential health consequences

Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to meltdown at any time, but they are especially vulnerable during wars, such as we are seeing in Ukraine, as evidenced by Russian attacks on the six-reactor Zaporizhizhia nuclear power facility and on the closed nuclear facility…

New York Times Repudiates Drive for “Decisive Military Victory” in Ukraine, Calls for Peace Negotiations.

Ukraine must negotiate based on a “realistic assessment” and “limits” to U.S./NATO commitment, says NYT. A week ago, we made note of a May 11 New York Times news article, documenting that all was not going well for the U.S.…

War Madness

The psychiatrist I consulted In 1969 to “advise” me on my draft status said the war (in Vietnam) was a “mass neurosis.” I thought this was an understatement but I was glad he agreed with me. So I was, at…

A Nordic Initiative for Peace in Ukraine and Lasting World Peace

By Nobel Peace Prize Watch, Honorable Prime Ministers of the five Nordic countries, Magdalena Anderson, Mette Frederiksen, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Sanna Marin, and Jonas Gahr Støre The war in Ukraine once again shows that the world is like a city with…

The Difficult But More Humane And Sane Option

“Putin Puppets” Over the last two months, we’ve seen and heard a near-uniform drumbeat, a corporately funded chorus of news people, pundits, and Hollywood stars pushing for pretty much every form of military escalation in Ukraine. Curiously, there has been…

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