

A Culture of Peace Is the Best Alternative to Terrorism

 As the culture of war, which has dominated human civilization for 5,000 years, begins to crumble, its contradictions become more evident. This is especially so in the matter of terrorism. By David Adams, World Beyond War What is terrorism?…

Reject plan to continue war on Afghanistan

“The U.S. and NATO occupy my country under the name of all the beautiful banners of democracy, women’s rights, human rights. And for this long time, they shed the blood of our people under the name of the war on…

Obama & Putin Spar at U.N.: Will regime change in Syria further destabilize war-torn nation?

By Amy Goodman for Democracy Now! President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin held their first formal meeting in two years on Monday in New York to discuss Syria and Ukraine. During the 90-minute meeting, Obama and Putin agreed…

Ban uranium weapons

Welcome to ICBUW’s occasional e-newsletter, with information on depleted uranium weapons and our campaign to ban them. Damage to the natural environment has long been a hallmark of conflict. But technological developments, both in terms of how hostilities are conducted, and…

The Migrant Crisis: Arms That Welcome, Arms That Kill

By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan The flood of people fleeing war and misery is swelling daily, reaching the shores and borders of Europe in a desperate bid for safety. They come from Syria, where a brutal civil war during…

NATO wars: the real target is Europe

The same facts, a different narrative The belt of civil wars festering on Europe’s borders is not accidental but has been intentionally built since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The unilateral dismantling of the bi polar world which prevailed…

NATO wars to blame for refugee crisis in Europe: it’s time to dissolve this anachronism

Yesterday morning in Budapest I was at a sports club where I often go, moving my body to combat the effects of time, and as I came out I heard the sound of a police motorbike coming towards me with…

War without mercy in Yemen

Follows below the writing titled War without mercy in Yemen and subtitled with the question – Towards the end of Saudi Arabia? by Sayed 7asan .* While Pressenza does not want to prolong the agony of the Yemeni people – and the Houtis are Yemeni –…

Hell Unleashed

This is what the arrogant morons who comprise the US government have stirred up: Watch this video for its entire 1 hour 20 minutes, and then ask yourself if Washington is making a good decision by driving us into…

Legacy of War

As the world continues to engage in various commemorations in relation to World War I, Australia approaches the centenary anniversary of a defining event in the nation’s history: ANZAC Day. On 25 April 1915, and for many days after, Australia…

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