

A new chapter in the persecution of popular leaders

Press Release by the Committee for Milagro Sala’s Freedom Yesterday, with the arrest warrant that the judge Martinez de Giorgi ordered for the President of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, we have witnessed in a new…

…to surpass this final stage of human prehistory…

A quick look at the social situation usually immerses many people in a “sea of outrage”.  The most aberrant news floods the mass media.  Migration crisis, mass hunger, insensitive politics, inhuman governments, wars, the threat of nuclear attack and other…

Who said that neoliberalism is the solution?

One day the world awoke to the news that Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction; a US Machiavellian plan to which the UK, Poland, Australia and Spain joined -as the first front-. That was how in 2003…

Understanding self-hatred in world affairs

If you have ever wondered why the global elite hoards their wealth instead of using it to help break down the violence and injustice in our world, I would like to suggest an answer to your question: self-hatred. If you…

Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence

  Join the Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence: 1-8 May 2016 Dear IANSA members and friends, We are pleased to announce the dates for this year’s Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence: 1–8 May 2016. This week…

Israelis protest hate crimes by Jewish extremists

Thousands of Israeli citizens have taken to the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to protest recent attacks on Palestinians and gay pride participants. A young Palestinian died after being shot by Israeli soldiers. Some 2,000 people gathered in Tel…

Revolting World

There is much that is revolting about the current world and Andre Vltchek, Christopher Black and Peter Koenig are well placed to document it, which they have done in their new book ‘The World Order and Revolution! Essays from the…

You don’t kill people!

The phrase, “you don’t kill people,” Silo said to us once in an informal dinner, when the conversation was about the atrocities caused by military dictatorships in South America and in the hypothetical case that someone could meet an ex-torturer…

Peace Lessons: how to reduce violence

If you are interested in learning more about the meaning of, and the relationshipsamong, direct, structural and cultural violence and how one peace studies scholar suggests we use the integrative power of nonviolence to address violence constructively, then I suggest…

Telephone shutdown in R.D. Congo puts women in danger

Words and photos by LolaMora Productions Between the 20th of January and the 8th of February, Gislaine’s income dropped by 50 dollars a day – usually she takes between 70 and 90 dollars – from her business recharging mobile phones.…

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