

Greece: Strengthen Response to Racist Violence

In the picture: graffiti on the exterior of an Afghan-owned bar in the Aghios Panteleimonas neighbourhood in Athens reads “Foreigners Out.” Greece’s government should move quickly to adopt measures to combat hate crimes and protect victims, Human Rights Watch said…

Back to the Future With Eyes Wide Shut

By R. S. Kalha* Just before he was overthrown, former Libyan ruler Gaddafi warned the West that his ouster would result in chaos and holy war overtaking North Africa. His forebodings, now so accurate, were at that point in time…

Condemning the murder of Cícero Guedes, leader of the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement MST

The Right Livelihood Award Foundation strongly condemns the murder of Cícero Guedes, a leader of the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement MST. The MST received the Right Livelihood Award (also known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize”) in 1991. Cícero Guedes dos…

Chromo-therapy is proving effective in dealing with Criminal Behaviour

Yesterday while waiting for the bus with my youngest daughter we were hit by a Polar Front affecting these northern lands. In spite of being -20C (with a wind chill factor of -29C) a gorgeous sunrise was beginning to open…

USA: Building a Peaceful Future for Our Children

Guns. Media. Mental Illness. Lax Security. All these and more have been offered as explanations for the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary on Friday, December 14 that left 26 people, including 20 children, dead. And all of those…

“Americans Kill People”: Michael Moore on Newtown, Mass Shootings, and the U.S. Culture of Violence

We air an excerpt of an address by the legendary filmmaker Michael Moore delivered just hours after the Newtown massacre. Moore won an Academy Award for his 2002 documentary, “Bowling for Columbine,” about gun violence in the United States. He…

Greece: Migrants Victims of Loathing, Arbitrary Arrests, Violent Attacks

By IRIN*, Athens – Three police officers in body armour surround two dark-skinned men on a busy street in Athens, Greece’s increasingly restive capital. It is a scene that has been playing out across the city since the launch of a…

‘Suppliers of Arms to Opposition Want to Destroy the Syrian People’ – Iraqi PM

By RT*, 5 October – States that send arms to Syria face upheavals and unrest due to sectarian violence, their stability will be in jeopardy and the state of affairs will be no better than in Syria, warned Iraqi Prime Minister…

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