
Viktor Orban

Demonstrations and roadblocks all over Hungary

Saturday afternoon, the series of demonstrations against the Overtime Act continued in Budapest and numerous countryside locations. There were demonstrations or roadblocks in Miskolc, Tatabánya, Debrecen, Sopron, and many other places. The organisation behind the countrywide protests is the National…

PM Orbán’s much-awaited press conference: “The government cannot comment on business affairs.”

Prime minister Viktor Orbán held a press conference Thursday morning, making good on his July promise to answer questions by journalists before the end of 2018. In a way, he did. Today was a rare opportunity, as Viktor Orbán does…

Hungarian protests call for general strike and a regime change

The wave of protests that started in December resumed last week with several smaller protests all over different towns of Hungary culminating in a larger demonstration in Budapest on Saturday.  Not long before Christmas, the Hungarian Parliament passed the Overtime…

Thousands protest at Hungary’s President of the Republic’s residence days before Christmas

Once again, several thousands of people protested Hungary’s government in Budapest on Friday night.  The series of protests were sparked by the two laws passed by Parliament last Wednesday on the scandalous session characterised by the whistles and sirens coming…

Hungarian president, János Áder, signs the Overtime Act

The Overtime Act comes into force on 1 January 2019, as President of the Republic János Áder signed the bill the Parliament passed last Wednesday. The amendment of the Labour Law that the Parliament voted on in a scandalous session on 12 December was…

Overtime Act sparks series of intense anti-Orbán protests in Hungary

Today will see the third consecutive day of anti-government protests in Budapest. People are  expressing their anger on the street over the Overtime Act (often dubbed “slave law” passed by Parliament on Wednesday’s chaotic parliamentary session along with the law establishing…

400 hours Overtime Act passed by Hungarian Parliament

In what amounts to be the biggest scandal of Hungary’s Parliament since the regime change, the Parliament passed the Overtime Act, often called the Slavery Act by the opposition, effective as of 1 January 2019. This new amendment to the Labour Act…

Elly Schlein MEP: it takes political, social and cultural work to oppose hatred and intolerance

Migration policies, nationalist and xenophobic forces, networking between progressive political forces and civil society, opposition to hatred and intolerance and the value of non-violence. We discussed this with Elly Schlein, MEP for Possibile’ and rapporteur for her S&d Group (Progressive…

We are all refugees

At the end of the day, we are all refugees looking to return to a mythical and original lost paradise.  If we are persistent, there will be no walls or barriers or tricks to stop us in our path.  …

Hungarians protest against plans for a wall of shame on their Serbian border

The right-wing Fidesz government, led by Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, last week passed legislation approving the construction of a 4 m high and 155km long fence along the border with their southern neighbour, Serbia, despite objections raised by opposition MPs,…

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