
Veterans for Peace

Veterans For Peace Calls upon U.S. to Reduce Military Tensions in Korea

Veterans For Peace, a major peace organization of veterans in the U.S., welcomed the  announcement on Tuesday, August 25th, of an inter-Korean agreement to de-escalate the current military tensions in Korea. Among the items agreed to, the South agreed to…

A reflection by post-cold war vet

VFP Convention 2015: A Reflection by Post-Cold War Vet By Michael Bassett I am grateful to Veterans For Peace (VFP) for the life-changing experience they gave me at the VFP 30th Annual Convention recently held in San Diego, CA., and…

Okinawa, Japan: fighting to save nature and culture

The right-wing newspaper, Washington Times, ran a piece on Monday entitled “The other side to the Okinawa story: The ‘All Okinawa’ opposition to US military presence [occupation] is a leftist ruse”. The hit piece was written by Robert Eldridge (former…

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