
Veterans for Peace

Veterans Call for Peace

By Jhon Sánchez and Tim Kennedy On May 26, at Battery Park, in observance of Memorial Day, Veterans For Peace – NYC Chapter 034 organized a rally. Pressenza walked along with protestors and at the end we heard various family…

Veterans Ask US to Sign UN Treaty Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

By Brian Trautman, Gerry Condon, Samantha Ferguson On July 7 2017, the United Nations, in a historic decision, approved a legally binding instrument to ban nuclear weapons, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Months of negotiations involving over…

Activists and Native Americans march on Washington amid rain, sleet and snow

On Friday March 10th 5,000 members of Native Americans tribes and their supporters – celebrities, environmental and peace activists, veterans, college students – marched on Washington, D.C.  amid bitter cold, rain, sleet, and snow, calling for Trump and the U.S. Congress…

Tarak Kauff: as Veterans for Peace, we fight against the violent oppression of living beings

Veterans For Peace is a global organization of Military Veterans and allies who aim to build a culture of peace by using their experiences, informing the public of the true causes and the enormous costs of wars and employing nonviolent…

Veterans call for new approach to confront terrorism

Veterans For Peace is appalled by the ongoing acts of political violence in Brussels, Belgium, in Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey, in Iraq, in dozens of other places across the globe and most recently in Lahore, Pakistan. As a community of…

Veterans Call on U.S. public to say “No” to More War

President Obama’s decision to prolong the U.S. led war in Afghanistan only ensures U.S. responsibility for more death and destruction. Veterans For Peace condemns the decision and calls on the U.S. public to say no to more war. Today, President…

Veterans For Peace Calls upon U.S. to Reduce Military Tensions in Korea

Veterans For Peace, a major peace organization of veterans in the U.S., welcomed the  announcement on Tuesday, August 25th, of an inter-Korean agreement to de-escalate the current military tensions in Korea. Among the items agreed to, the South agreed to…

A reflection by post-cold war vet

VFP Convention 2015: A Reflection by Post-Cold War Vet By Michael Bassett I am grateful to Veterans For Peace (VFP) for the life-changing experience they gave me at the VFP 30th Annual Convention recently held in San Diego, CA., and…

Okinawa, Japan: fighting to save nature and culture

The right-wing newspaper, Washington Times, ran a piece on Monday entitled “The other side to the Okinawa story: The ‘All Okinawa’ opposition to US military presence [occupation] is a leftist ruse”. The hit piece was written by Robert Eldridge (former…

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