

20 Teens Arrested as Youth Climate Activists Take Over Capitol Building for Green New Deal Teach-In

Over 150 youth climate activists with the Sunrise Movement took over the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., Monday to hold a teach-in on the Green New Deal and to call on lawmakers to immediately adopt the measure. Twenty teenagers, one…

Solidarity with Julian Assange

Journalist Julian Assange has been held in solitary confinement in an English high security prison for weeks. He is in solitary detention, which is a form of torture in accordance with all human rights. The man who did nothing but…

Assange in Court

I was deeply shaken while witnessing yesterday’s events in Westminster Magistrates Court. Every decision was railroaded through over the scarcely heard arguments and objections of Assange’s legal team, by a magistrate who barely pretended to be listening. Before I get…

Will Sanctions Undermine 1947 US Treaty with UN?

When Yassir Arafat was denied a US visa to visit New York to address the United Nations back in 1988, the General Assembly defied the United States by temporarily moving the UN’s highest policy making body to Geneva– perhaps for…

U.S. doesn’t want dialogue: turns to economic terror and shows plan to impose its tutelage on Venezuela

Aram Aharonian* The blockade and the new sanctions that freeze all Venezuelan assets in U.S. territory, ordered by the regime of Donald Trump, is nothing more than another act of economic terrorism that seeks, in the first place, to break…

The US has a history of testing biological weapons on the public – were infected ticks used too?

Michelle Bentley, Royal Holloway for The Conversation The House of Representatives has instructed the Pentagon to disclose whether it used ticks to infect the American public with Lyme disease between 1950 and 1975. The allegation comes from Chris Smith, the…

Why Donald Trump is backing the US into a corner on Iran

Natasha Lindstaedt, University of Essex for The Conversation After Iran shot down a US drone that allegedly entered Iran’s airspace, Donald Trump signed new sanctions against Iran on June 24, including against its supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. The move came…

After Approving Strike on Iran Backed by Bolton, Pompeo, and Haspel, Trump Reportedly Called Off Attack at Last Minute

“This ought to put an end to dismissal of a U.S. war of choice with Iran as too idiotic to happen, and an end to the idea that if it did happen it would be an ‘accident,’ as opposed to…

How to Avert the Impending War on Iran

The military is currently putting the breaks on the drive to war in Iran, says a former colonel and diplomat, but concerned citizens need to step up. By Eric StonerJune 18, 2019 Since coming to power, the Trump administration has…

Missouri’s Last Abortion Clinic Faces Imminent Closure.

Meet One of the OB-GYNs Fighting Back “This is not a drill. This is not a warning. This is real, and it’s a public health crisis.” Those were the words of Planned Parenthood President Leana Wen Tuesday, when news broke…

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