
US military

Interview with retired US Colonel Ann Wright: “I believe the US government’s policies are making the world a more dangerous place.”

The interview was conducted by Tanja Stopper, technical support by Kristine Karch. Dear Ann, thank you for taking the time for this interview. Ann, you served in the US Army/Army Reserves for 29 years and retired as a colonel. You also spent…

We Need Feminism Free of Condescension 

The following is from a speech by CODEPINK co-director, Danaka Katovich, given at Palestinian Feminist Collective’s International Working Women’s Day Vigil for Palestine on Friday March 8th I was three years old when CODEPINK was founded, by women I still…

US Military Projection in Latin America and the Caribbean Intensifies

Upon assuming the US presidency, Joe Biden asserted in his first major foreign policy address, “America is back!” For Latin America and the Caribbean, this has meant an “aggressive expansion” of the US military in the region. By Roger D.…

Leonidas Vatikiotis on Ukraine: the fate of the war has been decided

Journalist, economist and author Leonidas Vatikiotis recently traveled to Donetsk on a journalistic mission to the region of Eastern Ukraine now under full Russian control. The experience of this trip was an interesting occasion for the Greek Pressenza bureau to…

The Pentagon is the Elephant In the Climate Activist Room

With nearly 10,000 people expected to take to the streets of New York City on September 17 for the March to End Fossil Fuels, the climate justice movement seems more organized than ever. But, there’s a big elephant in the…

Biden’s Announcement That Trump Got Military Spending Just Right Is Dead Wrong

President Joe Biden is proposing a level of Pentagon spending so close to that of Trump’s last year in office that Bloomberg calls it a 0.4% reduction adjusting for inflation while Politico calls it a 1.5% increase and “effectively an inflation-adjusted budget boost.” I…

19 years after 9/11, Americans continue to fear foreign extremists and underplay the dangers of domestic terrorism

On a Tuesday morning in September 2001, the American experience with terrorism was fundamentally altered. Two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-six people were killed as the direct result of attacks in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania. Thousands more, including…

Cut U.S. Military Budget in Order to Afford Another Stimulus Package

By Deseri Tsepetis Your favorite local businesses are reopening. Maybe even the local restaurant you’ve been ordering takeout from is finally allowing you to sit down and have your favorite meal. Americans have been impacted greatly by Covid-19, and the…

Don’t Mention the US Military Carbon Footprint!

By Caroline Davies, February 4, 2020 Extinction Rebellion (XR) US has four Demands for our governments, local and national, the first of which is “Tell the Truth”. One truth that is not being told or spoken about openly, is the carbon footprint…

Beyond Soleimani!

By Murtaza Shibli Finally, the storm over General Qassem Soleimani’s death seems to be over. Had it not been for the strategic restraint and wisdom of the Iranian regime, the war seemed imminent which would have certainly resulted in the…

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