
US Congress

The new congress needs to create a green planet at peace

by Medea Benjamin and Alice Slater. A deafening chorus of negative grumbling from the left, right, and center of the US political spectrum in response to Trump’s decision to remove US troops from Syria and halve their numbers in Afghanistan…

Three Antiwar Congress Members

Rashida Tlaib has nothing about war or peace on her website. And she’s going to be elected to the seat held by Congressman John Conyers, famous for giving speeches for things like impeaching George W. Bush while telling reporters and…

Pope Francis urges U.S. Congress to end Arms Trade & open doors to immigrants

Pope Francis has arrived in New York, where he will speak at the United Nations General Assembly. On Thursday he became the first pope ever to address a joint session of Congress. He urged nations to adopt the Golden Rule…

Natanyahu appearance in the US Congress a sad error

The fracas unrolled by Natanyahu’s speech to the USA Congress, when relating it to Asia issues, instigates a look back to World War II when Madam Chiang Kai-shek spoke before Congress, in 1943, at the time of the Cairo Declaration.…

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