
Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income Is Easier Than It Looks

by Ellen Brown Calls for a Universal Basic Income have been increasing, most recently as part of the Green New Deal introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and supported in the last month by at least 40 members of Congress. A…

Will 2019 bring opportunities to change the system?

By Howard Richards Some of us think 2008 was a lost opportunity. Humanity had a chance to change course to save itself and the biosphere. We blew it. Could 2019 be a second chance? The reason why 2008, instead of…

The need for a European Citizens’ Initiative on Universal and Unconditional Basic Income

In 2013, a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) on Universal and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)[1] was carried out, but the one million signatures required were not collected and for some activists the action was a failure. The truth is that, back…

Unconditional Basic Income Europe network meets in Budapest for a public conference and workshops among its members

In Budapest, a conference and workshops on the topic of unconditional basic income, organised by UBIE and its partners in Hungary, took place on the weekend of 23-25 November. At the conference on Friday 25th, experts, politicians and specialists spoke…

Basic Income in the European Elections: an interview with Dániel Fehér

On Friday the 23rd of November a public conference took place at the Hungarian Institute of Political History in Budapest, hosted by the First Hungarian Unconditional Basic Income Association together with the Progressive Hungary Foundation and bringing together members of…

XVIII Symposium Universal Basic Income

Los días 26 y 27 de octubre se desarrolló, en la sede de Barcelona Activa, el XVIII simposio de la Red Renta Básica. En él se pudo exponer los aspectos básicos de esta propuesta, así como aspectos más técnicos, políticos y sociales. Tal como se indica en la propia web, “La renta básica universal puede ser la clave para conseguir una sociedad más igualitaria donde se garanticen unos ingresos vitales y la libertad de toda la ciudadanía”.

Sonja Scherndl: Global problems need global solutions

A member of Share the World’s Resources, she believes there is only one humanity and we must work together for the good of all. Sonja Scherndl works at Share the World’s Resources in London. She first heard about Basic Income…

Ping Xu proposes a worldwide movement for a basic income

Ping Xu is the founder of UBI Taiwan. From concert pianist in the USA to translator for immigrants, passing through living on the street, Xu explains to us in this interview for the documentary “RBUI, our right to live” the…

Rena Masuyana sees basic income as a means to ensure love and education for children

The Japanese filmmaker, Rena Masuyana, directed the film “Basic Income First Year” with the aim of popularizing and making the idea of a basic income understandable. In this interview for the documentary “UBI, our right to live” by director Álvaro…

Why universal basic income costs far less than you think

Elizaveta Fouksman, University of Oxford  for The Conversation Want to get rid of poverty, lessen inequality and provide financial stability in a world of precarious work? Well, why not simply give everyone enough money to ensure basic sustenance? This is the…

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