
Universal Basic Income

2020 Basic Income March for Change

By Jhon Sánchez Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote, “Time is on the side of change.” Yesterday, still without knowing of RBG’s death, I logged in to the online event to celebrate the progress of the UBI campaign in the USA and…

Why should Universal Basic Income be regarded as a human right?

Because it would provide something vital: the people’s survival.  And, it would have huge physical and psychological effects, individually as well as collectively. This extract is from the first part of the author’s contribution to the virtual event called “Universal…

Universal basic income: how it would change the world

(Picture from Public Domain Pictures on Pixabay- michelangelo) This article is the second part of the author’s intervention during the virtual event organized by the Center of Humanist Studies “New Civilization” on July 23, entitled ‘Universal and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI), a suspended right‘.…

A Solution to Keynes´ Problem

´Keynes´ Problem´ is the lack of sufficient business activity in a modern market society. It is an economic problem that morphs into any number of crucial political and social problems. People depend on business activity to provide essential goods, and…

Universal Basic Income: Who Pays for It

Every time that someone suggests a social measure which requires an expenditure, neoliberals and fearful people immediately show up stating that “ there is no money”. This seems to be our society’s main problem: the shortage of money. But where…

Face 2 Face with James Felton Keith

On this show we speak with James Felton Keith, candidate for US Congress in NY’s 13th district, about the situation today for African-Americans and his involvement in the recent protests, and about his activism on behalf of Universal Basic Income…

Neoliberalism is in critical condition

Now is the moment to transition away from an economic system that thrives on exploitation. The Covid-19 pandemic is tearing the neoliberal playbook apart as politicians and citizens realise that, in times of pandemic, markets won’t save the day. The privatisation-deregulation-austerity recipe…

How pandemics past and present fuel the rise of mega-corporations

In June 1348, people in England began reporting mysterious symptoms. They started off as mild and vague: headaches, aches, and nausea. This was followed by painful black lumps, or buboes, growing in the armpits and groin, which gave the disease…

Europe accepts the legislative initiative of citizens demanding a Universal Basic Income for all its residents

The European Citizen Initiative (ECI), which calls for the establishment of a Universal and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) for all people residing in the European Union, was accepted by the European Commission on Friday May 15, 2020. The General Secretariat…

Universal Basic Income: Let the Robots Do the Work

This article is part of a series of articles that will try to briefly explain the different aspects of the Unconditional Universal Basic Income proposal. To read the entire series of publications on this same topic, click here. The debate…

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