
United States

The U.S. must stop threatening China!

America’s aggressive military-industrial complex It appears that the military-industrial complex has complete control of the government of the United States, which recently voted to give the Pentagon roughly a trillion dollars of the tax-payers money. This was done by cutting…

Stella Assange: “You students – and the millions supporting Julian – are making a difference”

Speaking before MEP Sabrina Pignedoli, Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti, Prof. Alessandro Guerra, journalist Riccardo Iacona and a packed hall of students, Julian Assange’s partner praised initiatives around the world on behalf of the co-founder of WikiLeaks. Tina Marinari di Amnesty…

Global Day of Action for Julian Assange on March 19th, the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq

Hobart 4 Assange and Melbourne for Assange Australia are hosting rallies for Julian Assange and are proposing a Global Day of Action on March 19th , the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. On the 19th March 2003…

Appeal for peace and against the war launched in the Czech Republic

A few weeks ago, an appeal for peace and to stop the war in Ukraine was launched in the Czech Republic. This appeal comes at a time when there is no debate on this issue and the majority of the…

Sergey Poletaev: Russia, Ukraine, the EU and the US have something in common – their illusions were shattered in 2022

All the key players in the current conflict spent years kidding themselves, and peace will only come when they accept reality By Sergey Poletaev The Russian military offensive in Ukraine has set in motion a chain of events that has…

Nuclear fusion and confusion

By Angelo Baracca and Giorgio Ferrari. An international press campaign is currently underway celebrating the results of work carried out in the United States in the field of controlled nuclear fusion; a dream (a promise) pursued since the early days…

Ukraine War Evolves: Who Will Awaken Rip Van Winkle?

Disdaining Diplomacy, Seeking Victory Prefatory Note: This is the third iteration of an essay on the evolution of the Ukraine War, the earlier two versions published online in Transcend Media Service (TMS) and CounterPunch. The essential argument remains: war-mongering geopolitics…

Julian Assange, appeal to the European Court of Human Rights against extradition to the US

A post on Presskit Facebook page announces that Julian Assange’s defence has filed an appeal against the UK to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to prevent his extradition to the US, which was authorised in June by then…

Ladies and Gentlemen who represent the United States

We call upon you in the name of the Agora of the earth’s inhabitants, in the name of your electors who have chosen you to defend life in its multiplicity, the life of despoiled humans, the life of uprooted forests,…

Mexico and the United States adopt new approach to migration

Mexico is coordinating a new approach with the United States to achieve orderly, safe, regular and humane migration in the region, the Mexican foreign ministry announced today. The Foreign Ministry informed in a press release that the United States responded…

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