
United States

The Moral Cost of Torture

by Anthony Marsella – TRANSCEND Media Service Dr Anthony Marsella was a Professor of Psychology at the University of Hawaii. He is a consultant to numerous national and international agencies. Dr Marsella is widely known as a pioneer figure in…

Ex-Obama official urges clemency for Snowden

President Barack Obama’s former top official has said that the National Security Agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden should be offered clemency. Anne-Marie Slaughter, the former State Department director of policy planning, tweeted on Thursday that she totally agreed with a New…

USA: The shocking redistribution of wealth in the past five years

Anyone reviewing the data is likely to conclude that there must be some mistake. It doesn’t seem possible that one out of twenty American families could each have made a million dollars since Obama became President, while the average American…

Currency speculation: the real WMD

I already reported in Pressenza, in September 2011, the role that Saddam Hussein’s Oil-for-Euros may have played in the Iraq War, similar to Gaddafi’s Gold Dinar: “Attempting to understand what is happening in Libya without looking at the global crisis…

U.S. Loses Vote at UNESCO After Halting Funds over Palestine Membership

The United States lost its voting rights today at the global cultural agency UNESCO after failing to pay its dues for three years in protest over the agency’s recognition of Palestine. U.S. law compels the automatic withholding of funds from…

US Health Professionals Designed and Participated in Torture of Detainees

According to Research carried out by the Task Force on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centers and published on the Institute on Medicine as a Profession website “Medical, Military, and Ethics Experts Say Health Professionals Designed and Participated…

US must release data on civilian drone casualties, says UN report

By the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. A report by a UN expert urges the US to ‘release its own data on the level of civilian casualties’ caused by drone strikes and attacks the lack of transparency surrounding CIA and US…

Guantánamo Prisoner Vows to Continue to Hunger Strike

A group of Guantánamo prisoners are vowing to continue their hunger strike against indefinite detention and prison conditions. The U.S. military stopped releasing data on the hunger strike last month after its tally of participants dropped to 19. But in an article…

Report: Obama letter prompts Iran to pursue agreement

The Iranian government is reportedly seeking a sweeping agreement that would end crippling U.S.-led economic sanctions. The New York Times reports Iranian leaders decided on the strategy after President Obama’s recent letter to the new Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, promised…

Against US airstrike on Syria

We started to cover Syria, it was February 2012, because we believed a red line had been crossed: demonstrations against Assad were being swept away by bullets and mortar fire. But confrontation between the regime and the newborn Free Army,…

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