
United States

US policies belie claims of NPT article VI compliance

The story being presented by the US delegation to this NPT Review Conference that gradual nuclear disarmament is underway is an egregious falsehood. The reality of US policy is exactly the opposite. By Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study…

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula?

By Gunnar Westberg, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Can Korea be reunited after almost 70 years of complete division between North and South? This is the dream of many in the older generation in both parts of…

A Lenape Call for a new cycle of consciousness to protect Mother Earth

The Abolition 2000 Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, May 2, during the Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference. It was opened with a moving welcome and greeting sent from the Lenape Center with a call for a new cycle of consciousness to…

Open split between the US and Russia overshadows NPT review conference

By Bob Rigg* The opening statement by the Deputy Head of the Russian delegation to the NPT review conference was amended and amplified at the last minute in response to the earlier statement by John Kerry on behalf of the…

The nuclear danger today: Existing nuclear arsenals are the greatest nuclear threat

On Friday 1st of May, civil society organisations were given the opportunity to make presentations to diplomats at the NPT review conference at the UN in New York.  Pressenza was one of dozens of organisations around the world that endorsed…

New York stands with Baltimore

Thousands of New Yorkers from across the five boroughs, #BlackLivesMatter activists and organizations that stand for social, economic, and racial justice rallied at Union Square to show the people of Baltimore that New York stands in solidarity with them and…

Three days of discussion in Boston on the Colombian peace process.

A three day conference was hosted in Boston [WHEN?] by Boston University, Harvard University and MIT focusing on the political and social situation in Colombia today and the challenges facing the country on the eve of an historic peace deal…

Japan agrees to new military cooperation plan with United States despite Its pacifist constitution

As peace activists gather in The Hague, Japan is moving toward taking a more active military role internationally despite having a pacifist constitution. On Tuesday, President Obama hosted Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for a White House state dinner. The…

Pentagon: US has no troops in eastern Ukraine

The Pentagon has rejected an assertion by Russia that that US troops were training Ukrainian forces in the eastern Ukraine. “This is a ridiculous attempt to shift the focus away from what is actually happening in eastern Ukraine,” Pentagon spokeswoman…

US presence in Ukraine in breach of Minsk accord: Russia

The presence of US paratroops in Ukraine to train government forces is in violation of the Minsk agreement on the Kiev side, Russia’s foreign minister says. Sergei Lavrov made the remarks during a phone conversation with US Secretary of State John…

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