
United States

We don’t need a “Rules-Based Order.” We need a U.S. government that obeys laws.

The Problem The Vetoes Since 1972, the U.S. government has been far and away the leading user of the veto in the UN Security Council, often blocking the will of every or nearly every other national government on Earth. It…

1 Million-Acre Wildfire Moves Across Texas Panhandle, Destroying Homes, Ranches and Grasslands

The landscape scorched, houses gone. Texas’ Smokehouse Creek fire has spread to more than one million acres, the largest in the state’s history. It is bigger than the 2006 East Amarillo Complex fire and the second-largest in United States history.…

In Global Day of Action on Gaza, Protesters Condemn U.S. Arming of Israel

Major protests against Israel’s assault on Gaza were held Saturday in a worldwide day of action. In San Francisco, police fired pepper spray and hit protesters with batons as a march passed the Israeli Consulate. Thousands also marched in New…

Grocery Chains to Ban Use of Neonics by Suppliers, in Move to Protect Pollinators

Some grocery chains are moving to help protect pollinators by requiring their suppliers to stop using nitroguanidine neonicotinoids, or neonics. Chains including Whole Foods and Kroger have recently outlined policies that will ban the use of neonics in crop production.…

Is khaki the new green?

From July 2023, the warmest recorded July in the world, we have now entered the “global boiling point”, as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres rightly pointed out. [1] The scientists are clear. The two biggest threats to the destruction of the…

February 2024: 10th anniversary of the conflict in Ukraine

In the coming days, we will surely hear about the so-called second anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Western governments, corporate media broadcasting the official pro-US line all day long, and “experts”-propagandists of this line will deliver their pseudo-analyses. All…

China and the US agreed to implement the consensus reached at the San Francisco Summit

Chinese State Councillor and Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong and US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas agreed to implement the important consensus reached at the San Francisco meeting between the heads of state of the two countries.  During…

UN expert calls on UK government to halt the extradition of Julian Assange

The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Alice Jill Edwards, yesterday urged the Government of the United Kingdom (UK) to halt the possible extradition of Julian Assange to the United States of America. In her press release dated 6 February 2024,…

Confronting permanent war

At the beginning of 2024, the world finds itself at an unprecedented juncture in history. A world war is underway, but it is unlike the previous ones. It is not called a world war and might not even be perceived…

US: Murders, poverty and discrimination

The 2024 World Report of the international organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW), which analyses the human rights situation in more than 100 countries, went somewhat unnoticed in the mainstream media in Latin America. In my opinion, the mainstream media tend…

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