
United States

Vladimir Putin: additional steps to de-escalate the situation in Europe in the wake of the termination of the INF Treaty

In 1987, the United States and the Soviet Union came to an agreement to eliminate their stocks of intermediate-range and shorter-range (or “medium-range”) land-based missiles (which could carry nuclear warheads). In February 2019, the United States announced it was suspending…

Saudi to pay millions for Sudan to accelerate normalisation with Israel

Sources in Sudan and Egypt have revealed that Saudi Arabia is to pay $335 million to the US in order to accelerate normalisation of ties between the government in Khartoum and Israel, Safa news agency reported on Wednesday. According to…

This Labor Day, Honor Essential Workers and Remember Those Who Died

From windows and rooftops through the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions around the world cheered essential workers on the frontlines who daily risked contracting this highly contagious disease. Janitors, grocery store workers, drivers, warehouse workers, letter carriers, food…

The Police Shooting of Jacob Blake

Last Sunday, Rusten Sheskey, a white police officer in Kenosha Wisconsin, fired seven shots, at point-blank into the back of 29-year-old African American Jacob Blake as Blake leaned into his car. Inside the car were Blake’s three sons, aged 3,…

Kamala Harris Stands on the Shoulders of Great Women

August 26th marks 100 years since Congress ratified the 19th amendment to the Constitution, guaranteeing women’s right to vote. The amendment states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the…

For Many Athletes, Challenging Racism Is No Game

Rebellion is growing, from Minneapolis, where demands to defund the police radiate globally from the site of George Floyd’s murder, to cities nationwide where monuments to Confederate generals, colonizers and others are being torn down. Some decry this onrushing change:…

Troop Reduction Debate

German government advisors: Washington could close US bases in Europe to more offensively engage against China. Independently of the Trump administration’s recent move in that direction, German government advisors are hinting of possible US troop reductions in Germany. In a…

Noam Chomsky: “We will overcome the coronavirus crisis, but we have more serious crises ahead of us”

Noam Chomsky, well-known 91-year-old American linguist and political analyst, spoke to Srećko Horvat on DiEM25 TV from Arizona US, where he is in self-isolation because of the pandemic. Chomsky pointed out that the health crisis of the coronavirus is very…

A Radical Call To Action

A radical call to action has never been more vital than today, as the abomination of capitalism known as neoliberalism tears apart society from stem to stern, continuing the grand experiment that originated under the watchful eyes and vision of…

Jeremy Corbyn Condemns Anti-Semitism, After Criticism from Top Rabbi

British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has again condemned anti-semitism, after Britain’s chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis accused Corbyn and his Labour Party of anti-semitism ahead of national elections on December 12. Jeremy Corbyn: “I made it very clear anti-Semitism is completely…

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