
United Nations

Security Council unanimously approves new UN peacekeeping mission in Mali

The Security Council today approved a 12,600-strong United Nations peacekeeping operation to take over from the African-led mission in Mali on 1 July and authorized the blue helmets “to use all necessary means” to carry out security-related stabilization tasks, protect…

Insecticide-treated nets protect livestock and boost milk yields in UN pilot projects

Insecticide-treated mosquito and fly nets encircling livestock pens in small farms in western Kenya are proving to be an effective means of killing disease-carrying pests and boosting milk yields, the United Nations today reported, as well as contributing to fewer…

1,000 days and counting: UN calls for accelerated action on the Millennium Development Goals

The United Nations today called for accelerated action in the next 1,000 days from governments, international organizations and civil society groups to reach the eight anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by their deadline at the end…

Honouring over 15 million victims of slave trade, UN calls for end to remnants of slavery

The United Nations today honoured the memory of an estimated 15 million innocent victims who suffered over four centuries as a result of the transatlantic slave trade, while highlighting the plight of millions more who still endure the brutality of…

UN: States must urgently shore up ‘serious deficiencies’ in draft arms treaty text

Serious deficiencies in a new draft Arms Trade Treaty text would fail to prevent arms transfers to countries where they could be used to commit or facilitate summary and arbitrary killings, torture and enforced disappearances, Amnesty International said today. The…

Norway tops UN development rankings while Niger is placed last

Norway, Australia and the United States lead this year’s Human Development Index (HDI) rankings, the annual United Nations measure of progress in human well-being, while Niger, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Mozambique are at the bottom. The…

Joint UN meeting on food security focuses on ‘building a future free of hunger’

Scaling up the global response to food security and nutrition topped the agenda today at a special joint meeting between the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the General Assembly, world experts and the UN food agencies aimed at…

Latin American and Caribbean leaders to push for complete nuclear disarmament at UN Summit

Santiago de Chile, January 28th 2013 – Mayors for Peace welcomes the renewed commitment of the 33 Heads of State of Latin America and the Caribbean to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons. The leaders reaffirmed the priority…

UN Appeal: Invest in Human Rights (vs military spending)

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Thursday launched an appeal for US$130.4 million in 2013, telling donors that the UN Human Rights Office could respond to more of the many requests for assistance she receives if…

UN envoy convenes talks on former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia name issue

The United Nations envoy tasked with mediating talks between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the dispute over the latter’s name held talks today in New York with representatives from both sides. Matthew Nimetz told reporters after…

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