
United Kingdom

UK Conservative government licensed £4.1 billion in arms to Middle East since May 2015

As the UK prepares to go to the polls, it is worth remembering that the current UK government now under Prime Minister Theresa May, proudly sells weapons to some of the most violent abusers of human rights on the planet.…

Britain: Labour platform would tax the rich, expand social programs

In Britain, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on Tuesday rolled out his party’s manifesto ahead of a general election set for next month. The platform proposes raising taxes on corporations and the wealthiest 5 percent of earners. The revenue would…

Bahraini UK based activists’ families taken as hostages in Bahrain

At least three family members of UK-based Bahraini activists have been summoned by Bahraini security forces this morning, 13th of May 2017. The detention of these activists’ families coincides with the attendance of Bahrain’s King Hamad at the Royal Windsor…

Arms racing and the NPT : modernisation of nuclear weapon systems

Another cycle of conferences started this week in Vienna to culminate in a conference to review the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2020.  States Parties and civil-society organisations have exchanged views in the general debate and in a number of…

Time to put SEX into sex education

We republish this article which first appeared in the UK publication, ShoutOutUK, by kind permission of the author*.  Although it concerns the situation of sex education in the UK, our readers in other countries may find it thought-provoking. Celebrate sexual…

Harrowing testimony of nuclear bomb test survivor reinforces urgency of ban campaigners

On Monday 27th of March, negotiations start on a treaty to ban nuclear weapons.  It is expected that over 100 countries will participate in the drafting process.  Campaigners from the ban treaty network, ICAN (of which Pressenza is partner organisation),…

Theresa May will trigger Article 50 on March 29th

The British Prime Minister Theresa May has announced her government will trigger Article 50  – the Lisbon Treaty article that sets in motion the secession of a member state of the European Union – on March 29th , formally starting…

75% of Brits support UN nuclear ban talks

75% of UK adults think the British Government should be represented at nuclear disarmament talks due to begin at the United Nations next week. Only 9% said the Government should not attend and 16% were undecided. The opinion poll was…

London: Hundreds protest against immigration raids

On Saturday more than 500 people marched through Peckham, London with LGBT+ and migrant communities to protest immigration raids and mass deportations. The march was led by Peckham-based asylum seekers and featured speeches from South London migrant groups and local…

Corbyn condemns ‘fake anti-elitism’ of Trump and Farage

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has censured US President-elect Donald Trump and Nigel Farage, the interim leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), for adopting “fake anti-elitism.” In a speech to Labour’s policy forum on Saturday, Corbyn denounced Trump and Farage…

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