
United Kingdom

US/UK: “Travesty of justice” as extradition appeal fails to recognise that it would be unsafe for Julian Assange to be sent to the US

Responding to the High Court’s decision to accept the US’s appeal against the decision not to extradite Julian Assange Amnesty International’s Europe Director Nils Muižnieks said: “This is a travesty of justice. By allowing this appeal, the High Court has…

Declassified UK: Repression in Colombia and its relationship with the UK

Now that we are all looking at Afghanistan and evaluating the actions of the Western powers in the “restitution” of democracy in the countries they first dynamite, it is good to get rid of the double standard game played by…

Open letter from ΜέΡΑ25 and SYRIZA to Biden on Assange

(Similar letters to the US President have been sent by members of the British and Australian Parliaments (including members of the conservative governing parties).) In this context, ΜέΡΑ25 formally addressed the Parliamentary Groups of the New Democracy, SYRIZA, Kinal and…

Assange Remains in Prison in Spite of the Decision Not to Extradite Him

The decision not to release Julian Assange from prison on bail or on house arrest was taken today by the British court, on the grounds that he is a flight risk and that he should stay in prison until the USA had…

Are Belarusian Cyber-partisans from Lithuania?

BY KASPARAS JANKAUSKAS Belarusian Cyber-partisans again have made problem for the Lukashenko’s regime. They recently have attacked the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, United Payment and Information space (electronic system created for instant payment for goods or services) and…

Julian Assange, and Press Freedom, on Trial in London

The role of the free press is to hold power accountable, especially those who would wage war. Press freedom itself is currently on trial in London, as Julian Assange, founder and editor-in-chief of the whistleblower website Wikileaks, fights extradition to…

Watershed data indicates more than a trillion dollars of corporate profit smuggled into tax havens

UK, Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands – the “axis of tax avoidance” – are responsible for 72 per cent of global tax losses Analysis of new OECD data published yesterday, on the basis of a reporting standard developed by the…

UNESCO condemns theft of masterpieces during quarantine

The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) condemned this Thursday recent thefts of masterpieces, carried out by criminals who took advantage of the measures decreed to fight against Covid-19 pandemic. While most people are at home, criminals…

Key COP26 climate summit postponed to ‘safeguard lives’

With no end in sight to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the UN climate change talks which were due to take place in Scotland later in the year, have been postponed until October 2021. The decision was announced on Wednesday night…

Dozens of ‘mutual aid’ groups spring up as communities offer support during virus outbreak

Dozens of ‘mutual aid’ groups have sprung up across the country to support those suffering from the effects and threat of the coronavirus outbreak[1]. 68 groups have been set up online, with volunteers coordinating via WhatsApp and Facebook groups and…

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