
United Kingdom

[UK] Michael Fallon and Ed Miliband are both wrong about Trident

By DAVID WEARING 10 April 2015 for OpenDemocracy. Westminster’s pro-nuclear consensus is held together by irrational speculation about future threats. Trident must be decommissioned for the sake of life on our planet. Tory Defence Secretary Michael Fallon didn’t really want…

Latest Neoliberal attack in the [UK] legal system

By Mel Strickland, for Occupy London Latest neoliberal reform in the legal system: the introduction of criminal court charges coming into effect on 13 April ranging from £150 – £1200 – it will incentivise people to plead guilty as the…

Genetically modified food in the UK and TTIP

By LINDA KAUCHER 2 April 2015 for OpenDemocracy Unless we act to prevent it, we are likely to have genetically modified food on our supermarket shelves, soon. Following on from the anti-GM activism of the late 1990s and early 2000’s,…

Wealth creators’ are robbing our most productive people

By George Monbiot for The Guardian. There is an inverse relationship between utility and reward. The most lucrative, prestigious jobs tend to cause the greatest harm. The most useful workers tend to be paid least and treated worst. I was…

Moving away from war in Ukraine

Statement by United for Peace and Justice The Ukraine conflict continues to fester, raising tensions in the region to levels not seen since the Cold War. Now the warring parties have agreed to a ceasefire and an approach to further…

Let’s not fool ourselves. We may not bribe, but corruption is rife in Britain

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Allegations of a cover-up at Scotland Yard show that the British are as prone to malfeasance as any other nation It just doesn’t compute. Almost every day the news is filled with stories that…

Sending UK troops to the Middle East will be another disaster

Despite the Prime Minister ruling out British troops on the ground in Iraq or Syria in parliament, the government looks set to send 2,000 British troops to Jordan, which borders both of them and is currently involved in bombing Syria.…

Occupy Democracy back in Parliament Square, London

On Saturday, Occupy Democracy will return to Parliament Square to highlight corporate influence over government foreign policy including arms sales, war and nuclear weapons The January occupation will link up with CND Wrap Up Trident action at the MoD Occupy…

Snooper’s charter and political manipulation

The “Snooper’s charter [Communications Data Bill] has practically zero chance of becoming law, say senior MPs. Labour’s Tom Watson and Tory David Davis say Guardian revelations mean data communications bill is probably doomed” read the headlines in a June 2013…

Speaking with forked tongues can win you an election

What better allegory than the Native Americans’ to describe Orwell’s “double speak” or the semantic violence of those who steal the discourse of the opposite view to increase their appeal amongst those who normally would not agree with or vote…

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