
United Kingdom

Trident whistleblower William McNeilly ‘sacked to save the Navy’s image’

William McNeilly, the Royal Navy whistleblower who exposed security and safety flaws in  Britain’s nuclear-armed submarines, has left the Navy and will not face court martial or any further punishment for his actions. In a new nine-page report published online,…

UK must end arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Coalition government licensed £3.8 billion of arms to Saudis UK aircraft are being used in the destruction of Yemen Increase in executions and treatment of Raif Badawi draw international condemnation With the death toll in Yemen passing 2000, and with…

UK election – A broken system: seats don’t match votes

In May 2015, the UK held a general election and returned a majority government for the Conservative Party despite the fact that it received no where near a majority of support from the electorate. The Electoral Reform Society is an…

‘Huge paradigm shift’: Biggest cancer breakthrough in 40 years sees tumors disappear

Terminally ill cancer patients have seen miracle reversals, with some tumors completely disappearing, thanks to new drugs, which follow trials with “spectacular” results. Doctors now promise to save tens of thousands of lives. The test results, announced on Sunday at…

New UK energy policy needed as nuclear giants take a hit

Plans for a worldwide fleet of huge new nuclear reactors have collapsed, with the cancellation of a major project and no new orders being placed. By Paul Brown The European nuclear industry, led by France, seems to be in terminal…

Labour Party UK needs to return to its roots

Labour MP Dave Anderson says his Party must beware of promoting individual self-interest above collective wellbeing. Born and bred in Blaydon-on-Tyne, now part of Tyne and Wear but once proudly in Durham County, I could not resist following up on…

UK Trident system is “so broken it can’t even do the tests that prove it works”, says whistleblower

Engineering failures on Trident submarine place crew at risk and raise doubts over whether missiles could actually be launched, says whistleblower This article comes from the Nuclear Information Service website. A Royal Navy whistleblower has exposed a shocking catalogue of…

Swedish Supreme Court rejects Assange appeal

Sweden’s Supreme Court said Monday it had rejected an appeal by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange against his arrest warrant for alleged rape and sexual assault. Sweden issued the arrest warrant in 2010 following allegations from two Swedish women, one who…

UK heads for more austerity, privatisation (bye bye National Health Service) and TTIP with Tory victory

There are many forms of violence: physical, economic, religious, racial, psychological, ecological, moral…etc, etc. What do we call it when there is an illusion of Democracy but the system is firmly in the hands of an economic elite that controls…

UK Elections: non-dom tax avoiders

By Peter Dombi for Our Broken System This week the Labour Party made a manifesto pledge to abolish the scandalous ‘Non-Dom’ rule, which allows wealthy individuals to avoid paying tax on their foreign earnings, while the rest of us ordinary…

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