

One Humanity? Millions of Children Tortured, Smuggled, Abused, Enslaved

By Baher Kamal ROME, Aug 16 2016 (IPS) – Children are being smuggled, sexually abused, maimed, killed for their vital organs, recruited as soldiers or otherwise enslaved. Not only: 69 million children under five will die from mostly preventable causes, 167…

‘Monster’ El Niño Subsides, ‘Monster’ La Niña Hitting Soon

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* ROME, 18 July, 2016 (IPS) – As if human-made armed conflicts, wickedness, rights abuse, gender violence, cruel inequality and climate catastrophes were not enough, now the saying “God Always Forgives, Men Sometimes, Nature Never”…

‘El Niño Puts 26.5 Million Children at Risk in Eastern and Southern Africa’

Human Wrongs Watch 27 June 2016 – One of the strongest El Niño events ever recorded has placed the lives of 26.5 million children at risk of malnutrition, water shortages and disease in ten countries in Eastern and Southern Africa,…

Every Two Seconds, a Baby Is Born in a Conflict Zone – “Can There Be a Worse Start in Life?”

Human Wrongs Watch More than 16 million babies in 2015 were born in conflict zones such as Afghanistan, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen or on perilous journeys to escape fighting, which translates to 1 in 8 of all births worldwide,…

A Home for Mercy

Human Wrongs Watch ‘When last we met Mercy, she was arriving in her foster home, the child of a woman who had died of Ebola infection. See how Mercy’s getting on, in school for the first time, a child embraced…

Girl Soldiers Freed

Human Wrongs Watch Up to 250 child soldiers including four girls, one as young as nine, were released in South Sudan from an armed group, the Cobra Faction. Another 400 are being released in the coming days, according to UNICEF. New…

Amid Fighting Between Govt. and Boko Haram “Suffering in Nigeria Immense”

Human Wrongs Watch Amid ongoing fighting between Government forces and Boko Haram insurgents, the effects of the crisis in north-eastern Nigeria are increasingly reverberating across the region, two senior United Nations humanitarian officials on 19 March 2015 said, as they…

‘Terrifying’ Impact of Ebola on Nine Million Children – New UN Report

Human Wrongs Watch Some nine million children have seen “death and suffering beyond their comprehension,” and protecting them and their communities is critical in the fight against Ebola in West Africa, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a report…

Yemen: 900,000 Children Malnourished

Human Wrongs Watch Geneva — The political and economic crisis engulfing Yemen is having a dangerous impact on the country’s youths, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on , 13 February 2015 said as it warned that increasing numbers of children…

Middle East — 8.6 Million Lives Torn Apart

Human Wrongs Watch Amman, 19 December 2014 – “The Syria crisis represents the biggest threat to children of recent times. By the end of 2015, the lives of over 8.6 million children across the region will have been torn apart by…

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