

Women lag in slow global employment growth

GENEVA – Unemployment will fall slightly this year. Still, inequality in access to work remains a problem worldwide, affecting women in low-income countries the most, an International Labour Organisation (ILO) report said Wednesday. By IPS correspondent The report “highlights critical…

Youth unemployment in Italy

Youth unemployment is the situation of young people between the ages of 15 and 24 who do not have a job but are willing and able to work and actively searching for a position. According to the statics, in summer…

The Rif Republic: a self-proclaimed and internationally unrecognized state

The Rif Republic (Tagduda n Arrif) in Berber, is a state bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Algeria to the east, the plains separating it from Morocco to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Composed…

Ending Mass Unemployment and Poverty

The causa causans Keynes identified in a passage cited in the previous note was investment*. Investment by profit-seeking investors is regarded as the source of employment. If it stops, employment, stops. At least that is true when one sees the…

‘Drop the Medicare Eligibility Age to 0 Right Now’: Study Warns 35 Million Could Lose Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

“The national health insurance system is crumbling more with every day that passes.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer Common Dreams The coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic collapse could cause a staggering 35 million people in the U.S. to lose their…

‘Never Seen Anything Like It’: Economists Warn 6.6 Million New Jobless Claims Portend Unparalleled Crisis

“A portrait of disaster. Unemployment insurance claims for the last two weeks are mind-blowing.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer –  Common Dreams The U.S. Department of Labor announced Thursday that 6.6 million Americans filed jobless claims last week, a staggering…

Being ‘laid off’ leads to a decade of distrust

Science Daily reports on Research by the University of Manchester which shows the worrying consequences of the current economic climate: “People who lose their jobs are less willing to trust others for up to a decade after being laid-off, according…

Unemployment Could Fall to 6.0% in Latin America and the Caribbean Despite Limited Job Creation

  Human Wrongs Watch Santiago, 15 October 2014 (ILO)* — The unfavorable evolution of the economy in Latin America and the Caribbean during the second half of 2014 will not prevent regional urban unemployment from decreasing slightly this year to 6.0%…

Education is not business

Higher Education and Structural Unemployment: Discovering Possible Alternatives By Niamat Ullah Sarker* With globalization developed through capitalism, a new horizon has been seen in the world of trade and commerce. Under capitalism, people are free to work at jobs of…

Post-2015 development agenda must address youth issues – new UN envoy

The process of establishing a post-2015 development agenda must include youth input and participation to reflect the issues that concern them, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Envoy on Youth stressed today in his first press conference since he assumed office. “We are…

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