

No extradition of war refugees to Ukraine

The image of Ukrainians going to war enthusiastically or selflessly and self-sacrificingly for their country is becoming more and more cracked. By Peter Vlatten The numbers from press releases on the morning of September 6th (including NTV September 6th, 2023)…

The Pentagon is the Elephant In the Climate Activist Room

With nearly 10,000 people expected to take to the streets of New York City on September 17 for the March to End Fossil Fuels, the climate justice movement seems more organized than ever. But, there’s a big elephant in the…

Modern Cognitive Warfare. How they are trying to control our minds

We will often come back to the roots of the ongoing Ukrainian tragedy, which hold a valuable lesson for everyone. One of its primary ironies is that history is repeating itself. The West has once again used one of its…

Why are sacred objects being transferred to the West from Ukraine?

By Nadia Schwarz In the Kiev Caves Monastery, the center of Orthodox life since 1051, whose religious, historical and cultural value is impossible to assess, they are currently preparing to “save in the West” the relics of saints, icons and…

The death throes of the Pax Americana: The war of two powers in Ukraine

This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine but a war on Ukrainian territory between two nuclear powers, both of which believe they are defending essential strategic interests. That is the opinion of a prominent veteran Brazilian diplomat, Jorio…

Italy and the European Union guarantee humanitarian protection and rights to Belarusian and Ukrainian pacifists

Olga Karatch, journalist and human and women’s rights activist fled Belarus to avoid being arrested on charges of terrorism, for which she is facing a death sentence. Lithuania, where she has taken refuge, has rejected her request for political asylum…

Cannon fodder for the Empire

The United States dreams of a unipolar world and of global hegemony. It intervenes everywhere to support dictatorships, provoke coups d’état, encourage rebellions and finance opposition. Let’s start by recalling some of their major feats since the end of the…

War in Eastern Europe: The West sacrifices its lamb

The military-political regime in Kiev has shown that it is prepared to do anything, including sacrificing its population, in order to prove to its Western curators that it can fulfil the plans laid out by Washington and Brussels. This is…

The accusations against the secretary of the Ukrainian Peace Movement

The measures to restrict the freedom of Yurii Sheliazhenko, secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, have already been taken. He cannot leave his home at night and he has been obliged not to communicate with the witnesses of the investigation.…

Ukraine: corrupt military, loyal objectors

A new chapter in the court case involving Yurii Sheliazhenko, the Ukrainian pacifist leader accused of “justifying the Russian war of aggression,” in essence of being a “friend of Putin [is starting].” On Monday, Aug. 14 [,2023], he was due…

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