

Solve the Ukraine crisis now!

The vote last week in the Ukrainian parliament was a seriously disturbing move – it has made reconciliation with Russia near impossible. The parliament voted to work for Ukraine’s membership of NATO, a red rag to a bear. The truth…

Ukraine’s gold “evaporated”?

Where’s all the gold? Critical Thinking, Daily Pickings  reported on 04 December 2014 “A couple of days ago, Daily Pickings referred to the accumulation of gold by Russia and China. Back in January, we asked whether the Deutsche Bundesbank will…

Why does the West allow the Ukrainian government to write the official report on the downing of MH-17?

by Eric Zuesse – Global Research There are only two suspects in the shoot-down of the MH-17 Malaysian airliner over Ukraine on July 17th: the separatist rebels, whom the Ukrainian Government charge had shot it down mistaking it for one of…

Ukraine – Truce or Trojan Horse: Retreat, Re-Armament and Relaunch

  Human Wrongs Watch By Prof. James Petras*, September 2014 – TRANSCEND Media Service –  The NATO proxy war in the Ukraine started with the violent US-EU-sponsored overthrow of the elected government via a mob putsch in February 2014. This was well…

The Ukraine Crisis Remains Unresolved

The Ukraine Crisis Remains Unresolved by Paul Craig Roberts* Some Western commentators interpret the cease fire in Ukraine obtained by President Putin as a victory for Russia. The reasoning is that the cease fire leaves Ukraine with disputed borders, which…

NATO Poised to Escalate Tensions over Ukraine

Analysis by John Feffer WASHINGTON, Sep 8 2014 (IPS) – The NATO summit that took place at the end of last week in Wales was supposed to celebrate the end of a long, draining war in Afghanistan. But with the…

‘Germany unhappy with the way NATO summit has gone over Russia and Ukraine’

Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today* (RT), 9 September 2014 – Germany does not want to see its money going into something that is going to be misused from its point of view, defense analyst Dr. Binoy Kampmark told RT.   The country is…

Is there still hope for peace in Ukraine?

Berlin 1961 (photomontage – NoWar-Roma) The Ukrainian government, like Israel in Gaza, relentlessly goes on bombing residential areas in the eastern regions “to kill the terrorists hiding out there” (but also the civilians living there). The separatists, called “terrorists”, are…

U.S., Russia Trade Barbs over Ukraine as NATO Releases Satellite Imagery

Tensions continue to mount between the United States and Russia over alleged Russian military operations inside Ukraine. On Thursday, NATO released satellite images it says show Russian artillery, vehicles and troops in and around eastern Ukraine. At the United Nations,…

U.S., Ukraine: Russian Forces Stage Cross-Border Attacks

The U.S. and Ukrainian governments are accusing Russia of launching a new cross-border operation to back separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. On Wednesday, officials in Washington and Kiev said Russian forces had moved across the border for the third time this…

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