

The US and NATO’s Sacrifice Of Ukraine

THE INCEPTION POINT OF A NEW ERA We are fast approaching the 33rd anniversary of Mikhail Gorbachev’s decision to untie the Soviet knot that held back the countries of Eastern Europe from moving in an independent, democratic direction. A decision…

How many more lives does Europe want to sacrifice to extend NATO’s borders?

It is urgent to stop the war and put an end to the pain of the Ukrainian people. Russia must immediately withdraw its troops and stop the aggression against Ukraine. But how many more lives is Europe willing to sacrifice…

The Community denounces Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and NATO’s military expansion

Faced with the invasion of the Russian army in Ukraine, we make public: A call, to the union of all humanists of the world to condemn and denounce this invasion. We demand an immediate ceasefire from all parties to the…

The Invisibles put on a protest performance against the war in Ukraine

The Invisibles, an initiative of World without Wars and Violence, held a protest demonstration in Syntagma Square yesterday against the war in Ukraine, in which the Greek branch of IPPNW and the Observatory of International Organisations and Globalisation (PADOP) also…

There is no “war” in Ukraine: the naïve view of pacifism

First and foremost, let it be clear that I do not defend or support the use of force, and even less so the use of armed force, conventional or non-conventional. What follows is not about the world to which I…

Ukraine: A Conflict Soaked in Contradictions and New Patterns in War and Media

Surprise and horror have defined the reaction to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. That’s likely because although the intervention has followed the contours of a modern land war, it has also marked a break with the past in a…

GCAP: we call on Russia, Ukraine, NATO, United States, European Union to seek a long-term, sustainable political solution for all parties

We are shocked by Russian President’s decision to invade Ukraine. We condemn this war      with wide-ranging civilian casualties and demand an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of Russian troops.   We stand with Ukraine. We express our solidarity with…

Open letter from civil society organizations regarding the situation in Ukraine

Dear International Atomic Energy Agency, We, the undersigned, represent civil society organizations across the world. We are deeply concerned about the safety of the people of Ukraine under the current military aggression, which has put the lives of civilians at…

The Ukraine crisis could trigger a nuclear catastrophe

By Tilman Ruff of IPPNW for Pearls and Irritations, John Menadue’s Public Policy Journal. Republished by kind permission of the Author. There are two potential nuclear dimensions to a war in Ukraine, which could create a massive humanitarian disaster and…

A conflict over Ukraine embroils four of the world’s major nuclear powers

By Thalif Deen for InDepthNews. The spiraling crisis in Ukraine has an ominous underlying fact: it is a conflict that involves four of the world’s major nuclear powers: the US, Russia, UK and France, with the remaining five, namely China,…

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