

MEDEA BENJAMIN September 29 at 1pm, Hofstra University

Center for Civic Engagement’s Institute for Peace Studies – Hofstra Cultural Center and Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives present: INTERNATIONAL SCENE LECTURE SERIES FALL 2022 WAR IN UKRAINE: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict with Medea Benjamin The author…

Russia calls out Western elites at UN (WATCH FULL SPEECH)

By refusing to negotiate, the US and NATO left Moscow no choice but to launch its military operation in Ukraine, FM Sergey Lavrov said Years of NATO encroachment on Russia and the West’s refusal to negotiate over Ukraine left Russia “no…

Peace Agenda for Ukraine and the World

Statement of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, adopted at the meeting on International Day of Peace 21 September 2022. We the Ukrainian pacifists demand and will strive to end the war by peaceful means and to protect human right to conscientious…

NATO’s responsibility for the war in Ukraine: Clinton’s weak defence

In an interview broadcast on CNN on Sunday 18 September, former President Clinton defended himself against frequent accusations that the Ukrainian crisis was the responsibility of NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe. It was under Clinton’s presidency that the Czech Republic,…

Response to Bill Clinton

In response to recent statements by former US President Bill Clinton, in which he rejects criticism that blames NATO enlargement for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and adds that “When I did what I did, I offered Russia not only a…

Roger Waters Responds to Mrs. Olena Zelenska of Ukraine

Mrs Zelenska’s Sept 5 tweet: It is Russia that invaded Ukraine, destroys cities and kills civilians. Ukrainians defend their land and their children’s future. If we give up – we will not exist tomorrow. If Russia gives up – war…

The fascist is “the other”

Since the beginning of the “Special Operation” in Ukraine it has become increasingly common to use the word “fascist” as an insult against “the other”. Only now, and not before, the same Russians who claim to be politically opposed to…

The Three Stooges (A Geopolitical Update)

Four Things To Know Before You Read On I do not nor have I ever supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I have made this clear in almost all of my previous writings about the conflict and feel no need to…

Questions Prime Minister Trudeau and Chancellor Scholz couldn’t answer to Pressenza on AI and Zaporijjia

On Monday Prime Minister Trudeau will meet with Chancellor Scholz in Montréal to advance shared priorities, including Canadian support for Ukraine, protecting peace and security in Europe and around the world, and addressing the broader global impacts of Russia’s invasion. …

Cognitive warfare

Ukraine: how to unlearn A few days ago, the Ukrainian government announced that it had ordered the shutdown of one of the reactors at the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant in south-central Ukraine due to a Russian attack that damaged ancillary…

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