

West sees Ukraine as a Cold War ‘prize’ – exiled opposition leader

The US wanted to block EU-Russian integration and control the former Eastern Bloc, Viktor Medvedchuk insists The West’s insistence that it won the Cold War and was entitled to the spoils of victory – at the expense of Russian interests…

Anti-militarist activism Wednesday in the USA

On the eleventh anniversary of the reopening of the illegal prison and torture centre at Guantánamo Bay, a demonstration in Washington D.C. on Wednesday demanded that US President Joe Biden close the naval base on Cuban soil. Demonstrators outside the…

Sergey Poletaev: Russia, Ukraine, the EU and the US have something in common – their illusions were shattered in 2022

All the key players in the current conflict spent years kidding themselves, and peace will only come when they accept reality By Sergey Poletaev The Russian military offensive in Ukraine has set in motion a chain of events that has…

How Many Ukrainian Refugees Will Return Home?

Millions of Ukrainians have fled the country since Russia’s invasion in February 2022. The longer the war continues, the less likely they are to return, with dire consequences for Ukraine. By John P. Ruehl Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine…

Rome: garrison at Pantheon against sending arms to Ukraine

Tuesday, Jan. 10 at the same time as the debate in the Senate chamber on the conversion into law of Decree 185 of Dec. 2, 2022, which authorizes the transfer of arms to Ukraine through 2023, a committee launched by…

A Deeper Understanding of the Ukraine War Could Prevent Further Bloodshed

In February 2022, began the longest military conflict in Europe’s post-World War history. But what were its main causes? Although the war in the Ukraine has inflamed emotions across the Western world like never before, the answer requires a realistic…

Moscow’s Leverage in the Balkans

Since September, Kosovo’s fragile stability that has endured since 1999, following intervention by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), has grown progressively precarious. Clashes between ethnic Serbians and Kosovo security forces saw Serbia’s military placed on high alert in November. Several high-profile Serbian officials, including President Aleksandar Vučić,…

Eugen Drewermann: How can we regain peace and how can we keep it?

The theologian, psychoanalyst, and author Eugen Drewermann is a radical defender of humanity, love, and peace, and a widely recognized moral authority in Germany. In his usual moving and eloquent speech at the conference “Ohne NATO leben – Ideen zum…

Jeffrey Sachs: A Negotiated End to Fighting in Ukraine Is the Only Real Way to End the Bloodshed

With the war in Ukraine now in its 10th month, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Joe Biden have both expressed openness to peace talks to end the fighting, as have leaders in France, Germany and elsewhere. This comes…

Ukraine War Evolves: Who Will Awaken Rip Van Winkle?

Disdaining Diplomacy, Seeking Victory Prefatory Note: This is the third iteration of an essay on the evolution of the Ukraine War, the earlier two versions published online in Transcend Media Service (TMS) and CounterPunch. The essential argument remains: war-mongering geopolitics…

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