

CODEPINK founder talks about her new book: War in Ukraine

On Sunday, April 16, Medea Benjamin spoke at Time & Space Limited in Hudson, NY about her new book War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict. Russia’s brutal February 2022 invasion of Ukraine has attracted widespread condemnation across…

There is no alternative to war: a dogma to be questioned

It is likely painful for everyone to see how far over the years our ways of thinking have drifted not only from each other but also from what we took for granted, perhaps rashly, in a period of intense collective…

We send volunteers to Ukraine

World BEYOND War’s Zaporizhzhya Protection Project will send a team of four volunteers to Ukraine on April 7, invited by people in close proximity to the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant on the front lines of the war. These four are…

IFOR stands up at the UN for conscientious objectors in Ukraine and refers the cases of Vitalii Alexeenko, Hennadii Tomniuk and Andrii Vyshnevetsky

On the occasion of the interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation in Ukraine, held at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on March 31st, IFOR’s main representative to the UN Ms. Zaira Zafarana…

Why Ukraine Is Increasingly a Nuclear Headache for World Powers

Concern over Russia’s potential use of nuclear weapons has been a constant feature of the Ukraine war. But Moscow has several ways to complicate Washington’s global nuclear outlook. By John P. Ruehl On March 20, 2023, the British government confirmed it would…

Nico Piro: “From Ukraine to Afghanistan, history teaches us that war is not the solution”

When will the war in Ukraine end? What do Italians think about the conflict? What is the best approach, the military or the diplomatic? Moving crosswise between various themes and drawing on his long experience as a war correspondent, Nico…

Ukraine War Enters 2024 US Presidential Election – Stage Right.

Establishment Warhawks Fear Anti-interventionist Contagion From Below. John V. Walsh Opposition to Joe Biden’s proxy war to destroy Russia has entered the 2024 US Presidential election – from stage Right.  And the growing anti-interventionist sentiment among grassroots conservatives and libertarians…

The Basic Issue is not of Taking Sides in Superpower Rivalry, it is of Durable Peace to Save Earth’s Life

After the cold war shadow of several decades, the best hopes of ending superpower rivalry appeared around the early 1990s. The assurances given to Gorbachev by top western leaders appeared (deceptively, as it later turned out) to lead in this…

What’s the Best Way Out from the War in Ukraine?

In view of the recent geopolitical upheavals, and particularly the war in Ukraine, it does not make sense (and does not promise much success) to build a new global security architecture based on the logic of a bipolar confrontation for…

The Question of a Ukraine Agreement Is Not a Question

The question of a Ukraine agreement is not a question, for two reasons. One, the warmaking parties want the war to continue. Two, if they were willing to make an agreement, everybody on all sides knows exactly (or darn near…

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