

No peace: US to deliver $2.1 billion in arms and ammunition to Ukraine

Since the start of the armed conflict, Washington has allocated a total of $39.7 billion in military aid to the Kiev regime. Artillery shells, ammunition for laser-guided rocket systems, drones and Patriot multi-missile systems are part of the new military…

Europe’s biggest scandal

By Sergei Shevchuk, ukrainian political scientist Under pressure from the Americans, the Ukrainian court in charge of the biggest European cash bribery case did the unusual: it left everyone happy. As a result, Andriy Kicha, legal director of the Burisma…

When will the United States join the global call to end the war in Ukraine?

Must our leaders bring us to the brink of World War III, with all our lives at stake in an all-out nuclear war, before allowing a cease-fire and a negotiated peace? When will the United States join the global call…

International Summit for Peace in Ukraine

The aim of the International Peace Summit is to publish an urgent global appeal, the Vienna Declaration for Peace, calling on political actors to work for a ceasefire and negotiations in Ukraine. Prominent international speakers will point to the danger…

The economic roots of the war in Ukraine

What are the real reasons for this conflict? Is it the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO and, more broadly, the fact that NATO has expanded to include 14 new countries since the end of the Cold War (from 16 to…

Ukraine Supreme Court debates conscientious objection

From Italy, Switzerland, and Greece, support for the Ukrainian peace movement. The Nonviolent Movement, as part of the Campaign to Object to War, has mandated lawyer Nicola Canestrini to intervene in the Ukrainian Supreme Court in Kyiv called to discuss…

“It is time for mediation, nuclear disarmament, and positive peace”

(DIRE) Bologna, 25 May [2023]. – “It is time for mediation, nuclear disarmament, and positive peace”. After the conference that a few weeks ago re-launched the request for a Ministry of Peace in Bologna – in view of 2 June…

European reNazism

From the French government of Macron, social provocation has been sought in a strange and irrational way, as if the aim was to obtain images of chaos in Paris. Social movements know very well that chaos is often promoted by…

Letter to Gabriel Boric: Support Peace Negotiations

Mr. Gabriel Boric Font President of Chile Dear Mr. President Our Considerations, We draw your attention once again as the war between Russia and Ukraine continues to unfold on the eve of a counter-offensive and the death toll and destruction…

Ukraine, the Deepening Euro-Atlantic Crisis, and Common Security Possibilities

Governments alone will not deliver us peace, nuclear disarmament, or deeper international cooperation and unity. Those goals can only be achieved with pressure from below. By Joseph Gerson Editor’s note: The following is based on a speech—entitled “17th Strategy Conference of…

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