

Why Is Ukraine Prosecuting Pacifist Yurii Sheliazhenko for “Justifying Russian Aggression”?

We speak with Ukrainian peace activist Yurii Sheliazhenko, whom Ukrainian authorities have charged with justifying Russian aggression, days after his Kyiv apartment was raided and searched. Sheliazhenko is executive secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement and has vocally opposed any…

Ukraine, Yurii Sheliazhenko: “Pacifists are not enemies”

Yurii Sheliazhenko was subjected to a search, the seizure of his computer and telephone. He was denounced by the Security Services as the author of the Peace Agenda for Ukraine and the World, judged as supporting the Russian invasion. Today…

Dealing with the climate

The “full agreement” between Giorgia Meloni and Joe Biden is not surprising: unconditional support for the war in Ukraine leaves no room for differences of any kind. In addition, Giorgia has also signed up for the war – for now…

Can Europe really afford a Chernobyl 2.0 at Zaporizhzhia?

Last week, as UN member states sat down for the first round of talks reviewing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in this review cycle which will end in 2026, Nobel Prize winning organisation, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear…

Tell the Ukrainian Government to Drop Prosecution of Peace Activist Yurii Sheliazhenko

Yurii Sheliazhenko has been formally charged by the Ukrainian government with the crime of justifying Russian aggression. The evidence is this statement which explicitly condemns Russian aggression. About Yurii. Please sign the petition. To: Ukrainian Government We call on you…

The Most Dangerous Person on Earth

A Living Synthesis Victoria Nuland, who is the current Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States, is a living synthesis of everything that has gone horribly wrong with US foreign policy over the course of the…

I do not wage war. Meeting with conscientious objectors from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

SMS Peretola, via Pratese 48, Florence The peace movement has concretely supported Russian Belarusian and Ukrainian conscientious objectors, deserters and draft dodgers who are denied the right not to kill or fight, a right that should be universally recognized. Italy…

Ukraine war and collateral damage

Since the start of the war with Russia, the Ukrainian military has fired an average of 9,000 cannon shells a day – nearly half a million so far, enough to have depleted the stockpiles of the United States and many…

July 22 Scranton Rally to Oppose Cluster Bombs and All Weapons for Ukraine

U.S. anti-war organizations will hold a rally on July 22 at 11 am at the Scranton (PA) Army Ammunition Plant to oppose sending cluster bombs, and all weapons, into the Ukraine War. We urge all who oppose the U.S. sending…

July 22 Scranton Rally to Oppose Cluster Bombs and All Weapons for Ukraine

U.S. anti-war organizations will hold a rally on July 22 at 11 am at the Scranton (PA) Army Ammunition Plant to oppose sending cluster bombs, and all weapons, into the Ukraine War. We urge all who oppose the U.S. sending…

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