

Fracking: how the police response is threatening the right to protest

Will Jackson, Liverpool John Moores University for The Conversation The UK government has announced an immediate moratorium on fracking. The decision came after new scientific analysis concluded it was not possible to “rule out future unacceptable impacts”. Opponents of the…

‘Vindication’ for Climate Activists as UK Court Rules London Ban on Extinction Rebellion Protests Unlawful

“XR protesters have been raising the alarm about the climate crisis. We need to listen to that alarm, not outlaw it.” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Extinction Rebellion activists in London celebrated Wednesday after a high court ruled…

Spanish nationalism loses the plot

The English nationalism unleashed by Brexit is not the same as the Spanish nationalism unleashed by the Catalan crisis. Not yet. Ignasi Bernat and David Whyte for openDemocracy 14 October 2019 Imagine if what just happened in Spain, happened here. Imagine…

“Unprecedented’ rise in infant mortality in England linked to poverty

Science Daily reports “New study, published in BMJ Open, links a rise in infant mortality in England to poverty.” The research was carried out because “Infant mortality rate (IMR) has risen for the last four years in England, yet the…

Historic immigration vote at Labour Conference represents sea change in attitudes among UK labour movement

Mohamed Elmaazi examines how the Labour Party Conference’s historic pledges on immigration mark a significant departure from the racism and xenophobia which was deeply entrenched in parts of the UK labour movement over the past century. This article is published…

Labour pledges to abolish immigration detention centers in historic conference vote

By Mohamed Elmaazi for The Canary The Labour Party has passed a historic vote on immigration policy at its party conference in Brighton. The second-to-last vote on 25 September included a commitment to “close all detention centers”, “reject any immigration…

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson prorogation of Parliament unlawful. Unanimous Supreme Court judgement

The UK Supreme Court 11 justices have delivered a unanimous and damning judgement on Boris Johnson’s decision to prorogue Parliament for five weeks, according to him in order to prepare the next Queen’s speech (something the judges say it only…

Global Climate Strike in London and the World

Time is running out to prevent a Climate Change disaster. The signs are clear, the science is clear and it’s also clear who is attempting to deny them. Glaciers are melting, the sea is warming up, coral reefs are dying,…

Massive UK protests against Boris Johnson political coup

UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson has obtained permission from the Queen to shut down Parliament. Under false pretences as disclosed by Defence Secretary Ben Wallace who was caught on camera explaining the real reason why Parliament has been prorogued. Nothing to do…

Return the Chagos Archipelago to Mauritius immediately

PRESS RELEASE Colonialism Reparation welcomes that the United Nations General Assembly has confirmed that the process of decolonisation of Mauritius was not lawfully completed giving the United Kingdom six months to withdraw its colonial administration from the Chagos Archipelago unconditionally…

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