

Why are more small boats crossing the English Channel – and why are border forces struggling to stop them?

The number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats has increased significantly – up to 4,343 this year compared with 857 in the same period last year. The number of lurid headlines calling for action has also increased significantly but…

Reparations and the fight for life

Esther Stanford-Xosei Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network is joining with Stop the Maangamizi and African Emancipation Day Reparations March to lock down Brixton Road on Saturday 1 August. We’ve been doing all the nice stuff for six years – going on…

XR is back

The government is not heeding warnings on climate change, XR says The Covid-19 pandemic has restricted protests by climate activists for several months, but Extinction Rebellion (XR) is planning its comeback. MPs returning to Parliament in September will face a blockade…

Attack on Free Speech – Journalist Craig Murray Charged with Contempt of Court in the UK

Attack on Free Speech – Journalist Craig Murray Charged with Contempt of Court in the UK In this video, we provide an overview of the case against Craig Murray. Murray is a journalist and former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan. After…

Even after spending months indoors, 8 in 10 Brits would back ANOTHER LOCKDOWN if Covid-19 strikes again

A remarkably high number of Britons are open to the idea of another lockdown being imposed if Covid-19 cases surge again, a poll has revealed. Many are even afraid of going out and visiting public places that are about to…

Contact-tracing apps: Apple dictating policies to nations won’t help its EU anti-trust probe

There’s a growing problem with Apple’s role in the contact-tracing apps that countries are developing to help fight the coronavirus pandemic. This has been underlined by the UK’s announcement that its long-awaited NHSx app is being parked in favour of a different…

Charles Dickens and the push for literacy in Victorian Britain

Such is the aura still surrounding Charles Dickens that it is no surprise readers want to mark the 150th anniversary of his death in June 1870, even in the middle of a desperate global public health crisis. While this impulse to show…

UK Failing Domestic Abuse Victims in Pandemic

Enact Legislation Protecting Those Most At Risk The government of the United Kingdom is stalling on establishing a robust legal framework to address violence against women and girls even as reported domestic abuse spikes during the pandemic, Human Rights Watch said today.…

For UK, Tackling Racial Injustice Should Begin at Home

Greater Efforts Needed to Address Discriminatory Policies The killing of George Floyd and the ensuing police violence against protesters across the United States have drawn widespread condemnation in the United Kingdom. But showing real solidarity requires reflection on the UK’s own record of racism and…

Does the coronavirus crisis make a no-deal Brexit more likely?

June is a critical month for EU-UK talks on a trade deal. If no progress is made this month, a no-deal Brexit looks inevitable. Is it possible that’s because of, rather than in spite of, the coronavirus crisis? On June…

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