

The UBI After the Coronavirus

By Jhon Sánchez Before the Coronavirus outbreak, the first reaction I heard from people when I explained to them about the Universal Basic Income was, “Is this communism?” My listeners seemed to enter in a trance-like state as if they…

WWIII: A 21st Century Enemy

The whole world is at war with an almost unknown enemy, one with a sophistication that challenges our 21st century technology. And it looks like the coronavirus is currently winning. The consequences of the pandemic will be disastrous for millions…

The Yang Gang During the Basic Income March

By Jhon Sánchez One of Andrew Yang’s presidential proposals is to implement a guaranteed income of 1,000 dollars per month to all U.S. citizens. Freedom Dividend, as he called it, “is a form of universal basic income (UBI), a type…

Basic Income March from Harlem to the Bronx

By Jhon Sánchez and Photos by Franklin Chávez Pressenza’s crew joined the Basic Income March that took place in New York City, Saturday, October 26.  This initiative started under the leadership of Diane Pagen and the candidate to US congress…

Andrew Yang in a Marathon to Answer Americans

By Jhon Sánchez On Friday, October 18, Andrew Yang answered livestream questions from the general public. At the beginning of the 10-hour marathon, Andrew Yang had 20,000 questions on the website and 10,000 more using the hashtag-Andrew crosstalk platform. He’s…

Universal Basic Income is a game changer for writers. Come march with us for it!

For many decades now, the United States has been a very hard and inhospitable place to be a writer—there is virtually no support for our craft, despite the importance of having a populace that knows how to write. Many writers…

The Robots Are Not Coming

By Alex Howlett If you follow technology, you could be forgiven for believing that humanity is standing the precipice of a robot apocalypse. It’s only a matter of time before automation eliminates so many jobs that humans will simply no…

Face 2 Face with Diane Pagen

On this show we speak with Diane Pagen with Basic Income NYC about universal basic income (UBI) and how that model of guaranteed income works. She also discusses the Basic Income March that will take place in NYC on Saturday,…

NYC: Income Savings Plan Program (ISP)

On the Department of Homeless Services proposal to amend the Rules of the City of New York to establish an income savings program for shelter residents with earned income, to be known as “ISP” or “Income Savings Plan Program” By…

Our Grenfell: Slow Death of the Poor

By Diane Pagen Each of the high rises in the United Kingdom that have combusted over the course of the past 20 years—Garnock Court in Irvine, Scotland, and Lakenal House and Grenfell Tower in London—happened to be public housing, with…

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