
two-state solution

How to Heal the Wound of Gaza

The world is bleeding. Life force is leaking from a thousand wounds, and maybe the most serious hemorrhage is that issuing forth from Gaza. The wound of Gaza festers with hate, despair, and cruelty, leaching those poisons through the body…

Why the “Two State Solution” is Apartheid

I expect you are all familiar with the maps showing the radical shrinking of Palestinian land over 70 years due to the expansion of colonial Israeli settlement. Startling and appalling, yes, but to me they bring back strong memories of…

One- or two-state solution? The answer is both (or neither) by Noam Sheizaf The two-state solution is not a progressive cause and neither is a single-state solution — they are just possible means to an end. The only possible goal for progressive politics in Israel/Palestine can be full human,…