

A shameful bureaucratic development in 2016

(This is the translation of a story originally published by Greek national daily Efimerida twn Syntaktwn (EFSYN) on 17 March 2019) In May and June of 2016, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) carried out a survey in Turkey for…

Maso Notarianni: “Everyone is welcome on board Mediterranea Saving Humans”

Migration policy, civil disobedience and tangible gestures of solidarity. We talk to Maso Notarianni, a journalist, director of Italian association ARCI and member of Mediterranea Saving Humans. How did the launch of the Mediterranea Saving Humans project come about? The…

Jamal Khashoggi and Saudi Arabia’s Dismemberment of Yemen

“Saudi Arabia must face the damage from the past three-plus years of war in Yemen.” These words opened the last column by Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi published while he was still alive. Three weeks later, on Oct. 2, Khashoggi…

U.S. Escalates Syrian War

“The commitment must be to end United States interventions and declare independence from anyone who is not firmly opposed to crimes cooked up in Washington.” Reprinted with permission by Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report editor and senior columnist, 14 Feb 2018…

Turkey: Academics on Trial for Signing Petition

The decision to prosecute scores of academics for signing a January 2016 petition criticizing the Turkish government’s actions in southeastern Turkey seriously violates the right to free speech and academic freedom, Human Rights Watch said today. The charges are also a misuse…

Turkey: Rights Defenders on Trial for Doing their Work

Eleven human rights defenders go on trial in Istanbul on October 25, 2017, facing terrorism charges despite the absence of any credible evidence of criminal wrongdoing, Human Rights Watch said today. The prosecution should ask for the defendants to be…

Turkey: More Than 40 Academics Arrested at 2 Istanbul Universities Monday

In Turkey, more than 40 academics and university workers were arrested at two Istanbul universities on Monday, amid Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s widening crackdown. Among those arrested on charges of alleged terrorist links was professor of political science Koray…

Hundreds of thousands gather in Turkey to ‘revolt against injustice’

Opposition declares massive rally in Istanbul the beginning of a pro-democracy movement by Julia Conley, staff writer for Common Dreams Turkey’s opposition leader declared a new beginning for the country and demanded reforms to the country’s current government at a…

Turkey: Crackdown on Kurdish Opposition

The Turkish government has jailed 13 members of the pro-Kurdish democratic opposition in parliament on terrorism charges and taken direct control of 82 municipalities in the Kurdish southeast region, suspending and incarcerating elected mayors, Human Rights Watch said today. The…

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today. From one world war to another (1/3)

To understand the situation of today’s Middle East, it’s necessary to review a century of history. It’s necessary to go back to the aftermath of the First World War to see a large part of the geopolitical data that explains…

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