

France attempts to pressure Australia to stop engaging with UN nuclear weapons ban treaty

Recent statements by a French diplomat to “the Australian” newspaper criticizing Australia’s decision to observe the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) reveal the panicked efforts by nuclear-armed states to undermine the treaty as support for the…

ICAN statement to the UN event on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 2023

On September 26th 2023, Melissa Parke, the new Executive Director for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons delivered the following statement to the High-level plenary meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons:…

Support grows for the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty

Two more countries have taken action to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), bringing the number of signatories to 93 – nearly half of all states in the world – and the number of states parties…

ZERO WOULD BE NICE: We can safely abolish all nuclear weapons

Been hearing about the Oppenheimer movie? Oscar buzz! Barbenheimer! Cillian Murphy’s alarmingly blue eyeballs! In all the hoo-hah, two crucial things are missing. We have to fully grasp the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons: The movie offers only the tiniest…

Resolution passed in the House: opportunity for concrete steps for nuclear disarmament

The organizations promoting “Italy, Think Again” (“Italia, ripensaci”) (an initiative launched by Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo e Senzatomica – the Italian Peace and Disarmament Network and Senzatomica – as partners of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) welcome…

NATO summit in Vilnius continues to uphold nuclear risk

NATO leaders, meeting in Vilnius at a time of unprecedented nuclear risk, took no action to reduce nuclear dangers and instead issued a communiqué continuing to support the use of nuclear weapons. The alliance pointed to the risks posed by…

Six years after the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

When the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – TPNW, the treaty that immediately bans the atomic weapon for signatories, was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on July 7, 2017, the nuclear club countries (the United States,…

“G7 Leaders condemn the threat of nuclear weapons and take concrete action to eliminate them”

On the eve of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, with Nagasaki, the symbolic city of the destruction that nuclear weapons can wreak, political and civil society initiatives for nuclear disarmament are also multiplying in Italy. This morning [May 18, 2023]…

Young people from G7 countries call on leaders to honour commitment to nuclear disarmament at Hiroshima summit

Youth delegates from G7 countries, meeting in Hiroshima, are calling on  G7 leaders to seize the opportunity presented by their upcoming Summit and take action on nuclear disarmament, reminding them “possession or use of nuclear weapons is illegitimate as recognized…

Damn pacifists: peace also comes through the narrative of war

His (Translator’s Note: This is Nico Piro’s book) Maledetti pacifisti (Damned Pacifists), winner of the Ilaria Alpi prize, is an important book of denunciation with a provocative title. But is it really still possible to do journalism in the service…

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