
Tomas Hirsch

Chile: Tomás Hirsch Explains Reasons for Piñera’s Constitutional Accusation

In an interview with Chile’s 24Horas channel on October 29, humanist deputy Tomás Hirsch explained the two fundamental reasons that have led his party and other deputies to file a constitutional accusation against President Sebastián Piñera: political responsibility for the…

Exchange and integration of experiences in Chile this week

In the district house of the humanist parliamentary deputy of the Frente Amplio (Broad Front), Tomás Hirsch, a meeting of 120 people took place today, seeking to understand better, exchange with others and finish integrating everything lived during the last…

Chile Tomás Hirsch: “You can’t dialogue whilst the military are on the streets”.

Yesterday (23) the Chamber of Deputies of Chile held a special session with the presence of the Minister of Interior and Public Security, Andrés Chadwick, who presented a report on the measures taken by the government in response to the…

Tomás Hirsch: “We can see that the Chilean people woke up”

The former candidate for Chilean president and founder of the Humanist Party, Tomás Hirsch, said: “It is a people who have lived on a miserable salary, with unbearable pensions that do not allow them to live, with rising electricity, water,…

Chile: Humanists and the Current Moment

Hello friends, It is difficult to make a synthesis of what we are living, but in the attempt to transmit our point of view, I’ll tell you a little. I believe that we are witnessing something that Humanism has been…

Chile: It´s not 30 pesos, it´s 30 years

“It’s not 30 pesos, it’s 30 years” is a slogan that was repeated Sunday in many social networks and protesters banners who continued to go to the streets throughout the country. “30 pesos” refers to the rise of Santiago Metro…

Chile: Congressman Hirsch presents project against war

Today, Tuesday, October 15, Humanist Congressman Tomás Hirsch will present, together with Congressmen Labra (PC), Fernández (PS), Marzán (PPD), Mirosevic (PL), Boric (Conv) and Girardi (PPD) a constitutional reform project that seeks to make Chile renounce war as a method…

Tomás Hirsch: “Silo made a deep, complex and structural proposal of personal and social transformation”.

In November 2018, De Frente spoke with the humanist deputy on various topics. In that interview he was able to expand on the figure of Silo and Siloism as philosophy and practice. –Tomas, who was Silo? How did you meet…

Chilean Parliamentarian Tomas Hirsch criticises Bolsonaro visit to Chile

Ominous presence of the Brazilian President in Chile raises prospect of Laitn American falling into the hand of far right, homophobic, misogynistic, pro guns and violent populist governments. According to The Guardian  Brazilian President Bolsonaro’s visit to Chile has been strongly denounced…

Thomas Hirsch, moving towards a less violent society

We interviewed Tomás Hirsch, humanist deputy of the Frente Amplio, to consult him on the new bill that has recently been presented to Congress, which sanctions incitement to violence, hatred and denial. Pressenza: Who presented it? Tomás Hirsch: The seven…

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