

What Students Mean When They Demand Divestment, and Why We Should Listen

The basic idea of divestment is simple: Stop investing in corporations or other entities that are doing harm. Almost every day this spring, students used their graduation ceremonies as a platform to demand their universities and colleges divest from genocide…

McGill students will stay on university grounds until the administration respect students demand

While incessant Israeli bombardments began in Rahat in the Gaza Strip where nearly 450,000 Palestinians had to flee several areas shelled by Israel. McGill University students in Montreal are still mobilized and occupy the university grounds with several dozen tents.…

United States, the violence of tin soldiers returns to universities

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming  We’re finally on our own  This summer I hear the drumming  Four dead in Ohio. “Nixon and the Tin Soldiers are coming …”: on May 4, 1970, the Ohio National Guard fired from a great…

Veterans Support Students Protesting Genocide in Palestine

“The students are absolutely right, and may be saving our humanity.” Veterans For Peace applauds the students who are protesting against the US/Israeli genocide in Palestine.  These courageous young students are doing the right thing at the right time. “The…

“This Is the Conscience of a Nation”: Columbia Faculty Back Students as Campus Movement Continues

In New York, police moved in on Fordham University protesters just hours after they set up their encampment at Fordham’s Lincoln Square campus. The Fordham raid came a day after New York police arrested nearly 300 protesters at Columbia University…

Montreal McGill students launched an encampment in protest of University involvement in the Gaza war

On Saturday, April 27, a group of 200 students from McGill and Concordia Universities launched a campment at McGill University in Montreal. According to a student coalition organizer from Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights McGill (SPHR) the encampment is held…

Columbia Protests Continue a Day After NYPD Arrests 100+, Dismantles Gaza Solidarity Encampment

Here in New York, riot police moved in on a peaceful student protest encampment, arresting at least 108 people. Columbia University President Minouche Shafik called the NYPD to clear the Gaza Solidarity Encampment on the campus’s South Lawn, where Columbia and Barnard…

Students in Canada in Solidarity with Palestine and Palestinian Liberation

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) affirms its solidarity with Palestinian people in their ongoing fight against settler-colonialism, apartheid, occupation, and genocide.  For 75 years, Palestinians have been subject to extreme systemic violence due to the ongoing Zionist occupation through…

Stella Assange: “You students – and the millions supporting Julian – are making a difference”

Speaking before MEP Sabrina Pignedoli, Prof. Maria Cristina Marchetti, Prof. Alessandro Guerra, journalist Riccardo Iacona and a packed hall of students, Julian Assange’s partner praised initiatives around the world on behalf of the co-founder of WikiLeaks. Tina Marinari di Amnesty…

Greece, mission accomplished. Still I Rise fulfills its educational goal in Samos

Lessons at Mazì center will end in mid-May, but the organization will continue its advocacy work  in the country. A needs assessment is ongoing on mainland Greece, with the aim of a possible relocation of the educational project, if needed.…

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