
State Department

Active Duty, Veterans, G.I. Rights Groups Launch Campaign for Military Personnel to Tell Congress “Stop Funding Genocide in Gaza!”

As more members of the military and State Department resign over U.S. funding of the genocide in Gaza, a new campaign will be launched tomorrow to allow military personnel to directly contact their congressional representatives. Initiated by active-duty military members,…

El Ciudadano and Pressenza Condemn the Accusation that They Are Spreading Kremlin Disinformation.

On 7 November 2023, the US State Department released a statement that had a provocative title, ‘The Kremlin’s Efforts to Covertly Spread Disinformation in Latin America’. The note argued that the ‘Russian government is currently financing an on-going, well-funded disinformation…

Pressenza rejects State Department accusation of being part of a disinformation campaign promoted by Russia

On November 7, the Reuters news agency released a communiqué from the US State Department under the title “The Kremlin’s Efforts to Covertly Spread Disinformation in Latin America”. In the text released, it is intended to involve the international news…