

Colombia: New government recognises the Saharawi Republic

Both countries re-establish diplomatic relations at the highest level. Petro, the new president of Colombia, received the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, official representative of President Brahim Gali, Mohamed salem Salek. Mohamed Salem Salek conveyed…

Convention 189: historic consensus in the Spanish Congress

Convention 189 of the International Labour Organisation unites all parties to ratify that domestic and care worker have labour rights equivalent to those of any other salaried worker. By Gessamí Forner and Pablo Elorduy/El salto diario Today (09/06) was a…

Health lobbies that got rich the year of the pandemic

Lobby action means privatisation of health care They were awarded 70% of the contracts; almost 800 million euros. IDIS Foundation, Spain Health Foundation, ANEFP and Farmaindustria, the most favoured The privatisation of Madrid’s public health system exceeded previous years’ figures…

Spanish Congress approves the “law of only yes is yes” that establishes consent as a determinant in cases of sexual assault

The Spanish Congress passed landmark legislation that would codify into Spanish law the definition of consent as an explicit expression of a person’s will, freeing victims of sexual assault from the burden of having to prove that violence or intimidation…

Keys to understanding Spain’s decision on the Sahara: what and who is behind it?

Since the letter from President Pedro Sánchez to the King of Morocco was made public on Friday 17 March, the reactions to it have been numerous and disparate, although most of them coincide in criticising both the substance and the…

Not in my name’, rally for the self-determination of the Saharawi people and against the decision of Pedro Sánchez

Under the slogan “Not in my name”, this coming Saturday 26 March, at 12 noon, a rally will take place in Madrid outside the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in protest against the agreement between President Pedro Sánchez and the…

Gerardo Pisarello: “I have hope in the people organised against wars”.

Last Thursday 3rd, we spoke with the Spanish MP for En Comù Podem about the invasion of Ukraine, how we have reached this situation and what we can do to give peace a chance. We share the video of the…

50 anti-racist groups denounce ‘smart borders’ in southern Europe

Border tensions between the governments of Spain and Morocco are accelerating the process of implementing biometric control systems at the borders of Ceuta and Melilla. In view of this, various groups point out the danger of these racist measures. By…

Sergi Raventós: In the face of poverty and begging, it is necessary to go a step further and propose a basic income

“…Basic income is not the solution to all the problems that this society has… but it can put an end to poverty from an economic point of view, and it can help people to have more freedom to plan their…

Community of Madrid denies treatment to HIV-positive immigrants

The facts Since mid-November we have known that doctors and NGOs are denouncing that the Community of Madrid (CAM) denies or hinders access to HIV treatment to immigrants in an irregular situation who either have just arrived in Spain (having…

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